The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 181 countries.
In Brief
Appeal No. 05AA045; Programme Update no. 1, Period covered: 01 January to 31 March, 2005; Appeal coverage: 25.5%; Outstanding needs: CHF 6,743,506 (USD 5,306, 465 or EUR 4,378,075).
Appeal target: CHF 9,055,022 (USD 7,575,389 or EUR 5,863,397)
Related Emergency or Annual Appeals: Severe winter emergency appeal 05EA003;
Spring floods emergency appeal 05EA005.
Programme summary:
The appointment of the new president of the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) in January 2005 has provided motivation and clarity of strategic vision for the national society. This momentum will be maintained through the Federation's active support of the ARCS restructuring and capacity building efforts.
Two emergency appeals were launched during this quarter - one to assist the internally displaced people affected by the severe winter conditions in Kabul (05EA003) and the second in preparation for and response to the flooding caused by heavy snowfall and spring rains (05EA005). The two operations have considerably stretched ARCS' already limited capacity, which has impacted on the implementation of the annual disaster response programme activities. All other programmes with secured funding were implemented as planned, notably the ARCS clinics and emergency mobile health units, as well as youth project activities. The revision of the national society's constitution is ongoing, as well as the membership development process in pilot branches.
Firm pledges received to date are yet to reach the level required for the first operating budget of CHF 5.4 million. However, continuous support was announced from long-term ARCS partners, such as the British, Finnish, German, Spanish, and Swedish Red Cross, as well as a number of other donors. Overall, programme spending is on target, but there is still much to do to streamline the delegation and reduce core costs. Funding is still urgently required for the humanitarian values programme, and the community-based first aid (CBFA) and clinics elements of the health programme.
The main focus for this year is on the organizational development of the national society, disaster management capacity building and a review of the clinics towards a more sustainable approach to health programming. A refocusing of the humanitarian values programme with a clearer focus on reducing discrimination will be undertaken later in the year.
For further information specifically related to this operation please contact:
In Afghanistan: Afghanistan Red Crescent Society: Fatima Gailani (President), phone: +93 79 38 55 33
In Afghanistan: Afghanistan Federation Delegation Jamila Ibrohim, Head of Delegation, email: phone: +882 168 980 2643 (sat phone) or +93 70 278 372 and +92 300 850 6861 (mob.)
In Geneva: Asia and Pacific Department, Jagan Chapagain, email:, phone: +41 22 7304316, fax +41 22 733 0395
All International Federation assistance seeks to adhere to the Code of Conduct and is committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable. For support to or for further information concerning Federation programmes or operations in this or other countries, or for a full description of the national society profile, please access the Federation's website at
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