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ACTED newsletter no. 36 - Apr 2007


ACTED India: Inauguration of improved temporary shelters and Eco-san latrines by the District Collector

Eco-sanitation practices would help conserve water, while ensuring demonstrative values in nutrition uptake to crops by its sustainable waste disposal management, said Mr. Rajendra Ratnoo, District Collector of Cuddalore on Tuesday, March 20 2007. He inaugurated improved temporary shelters and Eco-san latrines in Rangan Colony, Chidambaram taluk, Cuddalore Distict, Tamil Nadu, South India under the project, Emergency Rehabilitation of Shelter, Water and Sanitation for the Most Vulnerable Tsunami Affected Communities, funded by the European Commission Humanitarian aid Of?ce (ECHO). The Project is being implemented by CREED, a local NGO, with the objective of helping Tsunami and ? ood affected Dalit families in Chidambaram.

In his Key Note Address, Mr. Rajendra Ratnoo underlined the need for the ef? cient management of Eco-sanitation practices, as this could help the practicing families to gain a number of bene?ts.Inspired by Paul Calvert techniques of Eco-san popularization in Kerala, he said that he had developed passion for supporting similar initiatives in Tamil Nadu. Remarkably innovative in Cuddalore, the collector said that the intervention might attract visitors from different spheres to learn about the practical functions of Eco-san concept. He therefore urged the families to ensure proper daily maintenance. "The Panchayats which promote and practice Eco-san systems sustainably with results could be encouraged with Uththamar Gandhi Award," the collector said. Mr. V. Nadanasabapathy, Secretary of CREED also delivered a welcome address. Mr. Benjamin Larroquette, ACTED India Country Director, gave felicitation note. Mr. R. Radjamourty, Project Manager, ACTED and the Panchayat president spoke on the occasion.