PR 01/10e
Rome, 1 March 2001 -- Some 60
million people in 33 countries are facing food emergencies of varying intensity,
according to a .
FAO's Foodcrops and Shortages found sub-Saharan Africa worst off with 16 countries suffering from exceptional food emergencies caused mostly by natural disasters and civil strife. Despite improved weather conditions recently, the report says, the effects of the drought in Eastern Africa are still being felt in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania, where emergency food assistance continues to be provided to some 18 million people by international relief agencies. The number of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) due to civil strife continues to increase, particularly in Central and Western Africa. In southern Africa, serious flooding in some areas, particularly in Mozambique has caused loss of life and damage to property, infrastructure and crops.
Asia has seen a grave food crisis emerge in Afghanistan, caused by incessant civil strife and successive droughts and harsh winters. According to the report, "In Mongolia, another extremely cold winter has killed large numbers of livestock, aggravating the food insecurity of nomadic herders who lost millions of their livestock last year."
Elsewhere in Asia, the food supply situation remains tight in North Korea due to drought, economic difficulties and the coldest winter in decades. Armenia, Georgia and Tajikistan all face food supply problems because of last year's drought, according to the report. Altogether, 11 countries in Asia are reported to be facing food emergencies.
In Central America, El Salvador's food production and marketing in 2001 will be constrained by the damaged infrastructure caused by the earthquakes that hit the country in early January and mid-February. In South America, the wheat harvest is completed and prospects for the coarse grain crops in the field are favorable, says the report.
One of the coldest winters on record in the United States may have raised winterkill to above normal levels in some parts, reducing yields. Official estimates indicate that the winter wheat area has declined by 5 percent since last year - the lowest level since 1971. Dry conditions at sowing time in the main growing areas are reportedly the major reason. In Canada, the report says that early planting intentions for wheat and course grains suggest that areas similar to the previous year will be planted.
Food Crops and Shortages forecasts that the winter grain area planted in the European Community is likely to decline from last year "due to somewhat unfavourable weather last autumn." It also says that persistent drought and high temperatures in central and eastern Europe will negatively affect the 2001 cereal harvests. In Russia, displaced people in Chechnya and surrounding republics continue to need food assistance.
The report estimates that wheat output in Australia will be some 4 million tons below last year's bumper crop. Early prospects for the summer 2001 coarse grain crops are said to be "somewhat unfavourable due to dry weather and the final area sown is likely to be reduced."
The 33 countries facing food emergencies are:
AFRICA (16 countries)
Angola Civil strife, population
Burundi Civil strife and insecurity
Congo, Dem. Rep. Civil strife, IDPs and refugees
Congo, Rep. of Past civil strife
Eritrea IDPs, returnees and drought
Ethiopia Drought, IDPs
Guinea Civil strife, population displacement
Kenya Drought
Liberia Past civil strife, shortage of inputs
Madagascar Drought/cyclones
Rwanda Drought in parts
Sierra Leone Civil strife, population displacement
Somalia Drought, civil strife
Sudan Civil strife in the south, drought
Tanzania Food deficits in several regions
Uganda Civil strife in parts, drought
ASIA (11 countries)
Afghanistan Drought, civil strife
Armenia Drought, economic constraints
Azerbaijan Drought, economic constraints
Cambodia Floods
Georgia Drought, economic constraints
Iraq Sanctions, drought
Jordan Drought
Korea, DPR Adverse weather, economic problems
Mongolia Economic problems, harsh winter
Tajikistan Drought
Uzbekistan Drought in Karakalpakstan
LATIN AMERICA (4 countries)
Haiti Structural economic problems
Honduras Past adverse weather
Nicaragua Past adverse weather
El Salvador Earthquakes
EUROPE (2 countries)
Russian Fed. Civil strife in Chechnya
and vulnerable groups
F.Rep. Yugoslavia Vulnerable groups and refugees
In addition, the report says five countries have unfavorable prospects for current crops. They are Afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, Jordan and Tajikistan.
Foodcrops and Shortages, which details the world's crop and food situation by country, is issued five times a year in four languages (English, French, Spanish and Chinese), by FAO's Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture.
For further information, please contact:
John Riddle
FAO Media Relations
tel. + 39 06 5705 3259
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