Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies
VOICE stands for "Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies" and it is the largest European humanitarian NGO network promoting efficient and effective humanitarian aid worldwide since 1992, celebrating this year, 2022, its 30th anniversary. VOICE is the main NGO interlocutor with the European Union on emergency aid and promotes the values of its 89 member organisations who are implementing principled aid in all humanitarian crisis worldwide.
VOICE members are active in different sectors of humanitarian aid (such as food and nutrition, health, water and sanitation, shelter, aid to refugees and internally displaced people) in all countries affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts and emergency situations. The majority of VOICE members have a Humanitarian Partnership certificate with DG ECHO, the department for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation of the European Commission.
The network promotes the added value of NGOs given their key role as humanitarian deliverers and as an expression of EU public solidarity.
World + 4 more
Voice out loud #37: Anticipatory action: Shaping the future of humanitarian response (June 2024)
VOICE out loud #36 - From Crisis to Recovery: Women’s role in Humanitarian Action (December 2023)
Ukraine + 2 more
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