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Slovak Red Cross


On February 6, 1919, the first Society of the Red Cross of Czechs and Slovaks was established - the Czechoslovak Red Cross (ČSČK). Alica G. Masaryková, the daughter of Czechoslovak President Tomáš Garrigua Masaryk, who was also the honorary president of ČSČK, became its president.

In a letter to Alica, TG Masaryk wrote: "Recognizing the need to build a central organization of the Czechoslovak Red Cross for the entire republic, I appoint you the president of the Czechoslovak Red Cross and entrust you to immediately do everything necessary to organize this institution and to ČSČK was able to immediately start its activities and establish contact with the international organization of the Red Cross on the basis of the Geneva Agreement and additional international treaties."

On May 5, 1919, the League of Red Cross Societies was founded, in 1991 it was renamed the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

In June 1919, the directorate of the Slovak Division of the Czechoslovak Communist Party was established, its seat was in Bratislava, later it was moved to Trenčín. Since 1924, the Slovak division has been based in Turčianske Sv. Martin.

On December 1, 1919, the International Committee of the Red Cross recognized the ČSČK.

