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SEEDS Asia’s Mission is to assist people and communities in Asia Pacific region to protect themselves from natural disasters or negative effects of environmental destruction, and conduct safe and sustainable livelihoods.

SEEDS is an NGO established in India. In 1994, two young professionals who have studied urban planning started its first activity in Delhi.

Up to now, various projects have been conducted, including emergency response and recovery assistance in India after the Gujarat earthquake of 2001; and in Andaman and Nicobar Islands after Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004. 15 years have passed since its establishment, and now SEEDS India has been playing a key role in the field of community-based Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in India.

SEEDS Asia was established in Kobe in 2006, in order to promote experiences and lessons accumulated in India to Asia Pacific region.

After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995, Kobe has been known for operating DRR activities both domestically and internationally. It has multiple international organizations, research institutions, and NGOs on DRR, as well as citizens with high DRR awareness. Therefore, the office was found there without a second thought.

SEEDS Asia has been conducting activities in Asia Pacific region with the following key words: Human security; DRR and development; Environment management; and community-based DRR.

