Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA



Founded in 1994, SEEDS had one ultimate goal: building the resilience of people exposed to disasters and climate change impacts. For the last 27 years, we have been enabling this through practical solutions for disaster readiness, response and rehabilitation. Our approach has involved grafting innovative technology on to traditional wisdom.

Over this time, our dedicated team has partnered families affected by disasters and climate emergencies in a variety of ways. Disaster survivors have had schools, homes and community infrastructure restored and upgraded. Marginalised communities have gained access to clean water, sanitation and health facilities. Nature-based solutions have been designed to help adapt to climate change in ecologically-sensitive areas. We have also invested in skill building, partnerships and advocacy to build the long-term resilience of at-risk communities.

Our work has reached families across India and Nepal.

SEEDS continues to advocate for and work with communities across Asia to build a safer and more sustainable world.

