Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs [NUPI] is a leading centre for research on international issues in areas of particular relevance to Norwegian foreign policy. NUPI communicates research-based insights to the Norwegian public as well as to wider international audiences, and is committed to excellence, relevance and credibility in all our work. NUPI has three main pillars of research and expertise: war and peace, economy and development, and diplomacy and global governance.
The war and peace pillar covers traditional security, defence policy, peace operations, terrorism, political risk and conflict resolution. The economy and development pillar focuses on variety of issues such as energy, human rights, trade, international economics and developmental issues. Diplomacy and global governance pillar covers the multilateral system, Norwegian foreign policy, regional organisations and how diplomacy as an institution works and evolves, as well as humanitarian issues.
NUPI undertakes basic as well as applied research and advisory services, always striving for sound, theory-informed foundations in its work. A central principle is interdisciplinary collaboration, within the institute and with other institutions in Norway and abroad.
NUPI aims to be relevant both for professionals in international politics and for the general public in Norway. NUPI’s researchers participate actively in the public debate in their fields of expertise and make frequent appearances in the media. International scholars from around the world attend the Institute as guest researchers or visiting fellows. NUPI is an important forum for discussion and debate in Norway and internationally, and organises frequent meetings and events – lectures, seminars, and conferences. All NUPI’s work is made available in a wide range of publications, most of which are accessible on NUPI’s website.
NUPI was established by the Norwegian Parliament in 1959. The institute is a state body under the Ministry of Education and Research, but operates independently as a non-political institution in all its professional activities. Main sources of funding for research at NUPI are the Research Council of Norway, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. Support also comes from private companies and international funding sources, such as the EU. NUPI’s Director is professor Ulf Sverdrup, and the Chair of the Board is Karl Erik Haug.
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