NIRAPAD, a network of 22 non-government organisations, works for reducing disaster risk in Bangladesh through diminution of disaster related information and knowledge gap and strengthening DRM abilities of the development organisations and communities. In 1997 with the funding support from USAID, CARE Bangladesh and its disaster management partner NGOs formed a coalition and established NIRAPAD as an NGO network. However, due to its nature of work NIRAPAD got separated from CARE Bangladesh in 2006 and came forth as a full-fledged independent entity. NIRAPAD got its registration from NGO Affaires Bureau, Bangladesh on 19th May 2010. Under this new identity, NIRAPAD had been developed as a knowledge based collaborative organisation having strong collaboration and relation with more than 100 local and international humanitarian agencies, institutions and organisations. NIRAPAD promotes and supports collaboration with wider community. The Government of Bangladesh recognised it and included NIRAPAD a as member in the Bangladesh DRR Platform. Also, NIRAPAD is a Full Member of CHS Alliance.
Over time, NIRAPAD’s mandate had been shifted from information sharing to knowledge generation and management, providing technical support in DRR and CCA and promoting collaboration and partnership. Ensuring accountability at all levels as well as establishing a rightful accountable humanitarian system is another mandatory issue for the organisation. Since reformation the organisation had also been proactively involved in promotion and mainstreaming various cross cutting issues (i.e. good governance, gender, environment, etc.) and quality and accountability standards (i.e. CHS, Sphere minimum standards etc.).
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