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Myanmar Information Management Unit


The Myanmar Information Management Unit, or MIMU, provides information management services to strengthen analysis and decision-making of the humanitarian and development community in Myanmar. It maintains a common data and information repository with data from various sources on all sectors, countrywide, at the lowest administrative unit for which it is available. This information is then made widely accessible to UN, NGO, donor and other stakeholders in the form of maps, databases and other tools which support the coordination, planning and implementation of humanitarian, development and peace-focused activities.

The MIMU is a service of the United Nations provided by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) working together with the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. It receives strategic guidance from its Advisory Board representing UN agencies, international and national NGOs and Myanmar-based donors. This unique position - as an independent but broadly-owned service – also allows the MIMU to play an important role in promoting standards which enable better sharing, mapping and storage of different types of data.

The generous support of MIMU donors enables MIMU to provide all of its services supporting humanitarian, development and peace-focused activities free of charge. The Unit, originally established in 2007, receives administrative support from UNDP.

