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Medecins du Monde - Turkey / Dunya Doktorlari Dernegi


Dünya Doktorları Derneği (Doctors of the World/Médecins du Monde Turkey) is a Turkey-based humanitarian non-governmental organisation that facilitates access to healthcare for populations affected by armed conflict, violence, natural disasters, disease, famine, poverty and exclusion.

Our organisation collaborates with partners and key stakeholders to implement projects that facilitate access to primary and secondary healthcare services and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services to respond to the medical needs of displaced population.

Dünya Doktorları Derneği (DDD) is the 16th member of the Doctors of the World (Médecins du Monde - MdM) International Network that is committed to meeting the health needs of vulnerable people globally. Responding to the humanitarian crises emerged in the region from within the crisis DDD seeks out marginalized populations and builds necessary infrastructures for long-term and sustainable healthcare services in areas society would prefer to ignore.

