Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

International Media Support


IMS (International Media Support) is an international non-profit organisation working across four continents. Our staff of around 160 employees of more than 45 different nationalities work from headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, as well as from regional country offices around the world.

Founded in 2001 in the wake of conflicts in Rwanda and the Balkans where media was used as a tool to incite war, IMS works in a context sensitive manner, carefully assessing the needs of local media in each country before entering in close dialogue with local organisations and international peers and adjusting our work as the situation changes.

Our programmes are attentive towards gender balance and minorities, as we strongly believe in the importance of enabling women and members of marginalised groups to participate equally and freely in the media as an integral part of democratic development.

