Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

CORUS International


Corus International is a global family of changemakers that envisions a healthy world forever flourishing in dignity and justice.

Our mission is to urgently end poverty, suffering and injustice wherever they afflict humanity, with enduring passion, partnership and expertise.

We seek to end human suffering and injustice by working with the world's most vulnerable people to break the cycle of poverty and lead healthy lives.

In the world's most difficult places, we invest in individuals, families, and communities to work together to find lasting solutions to the challenges they face. We take a holistic approach, seeing poverty, health, and the environment as inextricably intertwined.

Our long history of partnerships with local communities, businesses and governments enables us to use and affirm local knowledge to create enduring change. Learning from our experiences, we bring innovative approaches and expertise to make markets work for the poor and to promote health and abundant life for all.

Committed to helping people achieve economic independence, we take a developmental approach to all of our work, including responses to humanitarian crises. We seek always to restore and improve people's lives by giving them the tools to feed their families, rebuild their communities and improve their health.

We respond to the needs of others, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. We are driven by our core values of integrity, stewardship and organizational excellence and our desire to see a world in which everyone can live in dignity and peace.


