UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Table of Contents Information DetailsSocial Media Latest Updates Details Organization type International Organization Headquarters Switzerland Homepage http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CEDAW/Pages/CEDAWIndex.aspx Social Media X Updates Afghanistan Afghanistan: UN experts welcome ICC Prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants for senior Taliban officials DR Congo Le CEDAW examine un rapport présenté à titre exceptionnel par la République démocratique du Congo concernant les violences sexuelles liées au conflit dans l’est du pays DR Congo Experts of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend the DRC on Steps Taken to Provide Healthcare to Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Ask about Reparations for Victims and the Protection of Women in Nature Reserves
Afghanistan Afghanistan: UN experts welcome ICC Prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants for senior Taliban officials
DR Congo Le CEDAW examine un rapport présenté à titre exceptionnel par la République démocratique du Congo concernant les violences sexuelles liées au conflit dans l’est du pays
DR Congo Experts of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Commend the DRC on Steps Taken to Provide Healthcare to Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Ask about Reparations for Victims and the Protection of Women in Nature Reserves
Social Media