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Asia-Pacific Regional Cash Working Group


The Asia-Pacific Regional Cash Working Group is a platform to bring together experts at regional and national level to share information, exchange learning, develop joint guidance and plans, aid advocacy, and assist the country CWGs via learning events and direct technical support. The Asia-Pacific RCWG is co-led by WFP, OCHA, and IFRC, and supported by NORCAP/CashCap with cash coordination and information management full-time staff.

The main objectives of the Asia-Pacific RCWG are to improve the coordination and quality of cash programs in the region, to increase the scale of CVA, where appropriate and feasible, and broaden the scope of CVA by facilitating learning, knowledge management, sharing of best practices, and building on partnerships to further promote relevant common approaches, experience sharing and harmonisation of the work of national CWGs.

The Asia-Pacific RCWG includes countries both in Asia and the Pacific, yet coordination with the Pacific Island Countries is led by the Pacific Regional Cash Working Group, which is distinct in its focus and deliverables.

The group includes members from the country-CWGs and other regional level stakeholders, including donors, regional entities, and representatives from regional offices of the UN, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and other stakeholders engaged in cash assistance.

The Asia-Pacific RCWG acting as a regional forum for support, collaboration, and learning follows three strategic objectives for 2022 and 2023:

SO1: Perform a technical advisory and support role for the national CWGs engaged in ongoing operations SO2: Support the development of CVA preparedness actions of national CWGs SO3: Develop a regional resource base for information and knowledge sharing between the Asia-Pacific CWG community

