This map illustrates satellite-detected shelters and other buildings at the Al Zaatari refugee camp in Mafraq Governorate, Jordan. As of 26 February 2013 a total of 25,177 shelters were detected as well as 1,155 infrastructure and support buildings within the 511.22 hectares of the camp. The number of shelters has thus increased by about 7,461 since the previous UNITAR/UNOSAT assessment of the camp which used a satellite image from 3 February 2013. This indicates a 30% increase in the number of shelters between 3 February 2013 and 26 of February 2013. In addition areas of expansion are also visible in the image as of 26 February 2013, indicating preparations are underway to accommodate increased numbers of refugees in the near future. This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to UNITAR/UNOSAT.
Satellite Data (2): WorldView-2
Imagery Dates: 26 February 2013
Resolution: 50 cm
Copyright: DigitalGlobe
Source: European Space Imaging
Satellite Data (1): WorldView-1
Imagery Dates: 3 February 2013
Resolution: 50 cm
Copyright: DigitalGlobe
Source: European Space Imaging
Analysis : UNITAR / UNOSAT
Production: UNITAR / UNOSAT
Analysis conducted with ArcGIS v10.1