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Gender-Sensitive Response and Recovery : An Overview


The number and complexity of hazards and disasters are increasing rapidly; and there is ample evidence that women and girls are often more vulnerable to disasters than men and boys. The papers in this collection consider the progress made and the challenges we still face in humanitarian and disaster risk reduction (DRR) interventions, in responding adequately to the needs and priorities of all affected people, men and women, boys and girls. Achieving long-term change that transforms the lives of those living in poverty needs to specifically address gender inequalities. Through reflection, analysis and documentation of experience, this collection of papers can have value beyond their own contexts and by sharing the lessons learned, will help to make future work more effective.

Oxfam Programme Insights - Gender Quality in Emergencies

See the other Programme Insights papers on gender equality in emergencies:

Urban Disaster Response and Recovery: Gender-sensitive WASH programming in post-earthquake Haiti

Restoring Livelihoods After Floods: Gender-sensitive response and community-owned recovery in Pakistan

Flood Preparedness in Viet Nam: A systematic gender-aware approach

Post-Earthquake Response and Reconstruction: Gender-sensitive advocacy in Indonesia

Protecting Communities in the DRC: Understanding gender dynamics and empowering women and men

Cash Transfers in Nairobi’s Slums : Improving food security and gender dynamics