Early Recovery Priorities
Mine Action: Protect conflict affected communities from the threat of landmines and UXO and support the resumption of productive activities.
Emergency Livelihoods support : Strengthen local communities’ economies and resilience focusing on rehabilitation of basic community infrastructure and creation of social businesses.
Solid waste removal and safe disposal : Reduce risks to public health rising from undisposed, or incorrectly disposed waste by supporting day-to-day waste collection operations as well as local authorities to provide sufficient waste collection services.
Capacity strengthening for local actors: Strengthen capacities of local authorities and national NGOs engaged in humanitarian response to support service delivery and lead on the recovery process.
Key achievements
250,000 total number of people benefiting from at least one form of cluster intervention. 20% of total beneficiaries were women.
30,000 Individuals directly supported through emergency employment opportunities, including waste management activities. 30% of those employed were women.
109,000 Individuals participated in dialogue sessions on conflict resolution with community members and other stakeholders. Both women and men participated equally in the dialogue sessions.
More than 149,000 individuals have benefited from emergency UXOs screening and disposal. Thanks to the school clearance activities, more than 60% of the beneficiaries were children.
64,000 metric tons of solid waste were collected and disposed of under emergency waste management activities.
Socotra: Following Cyclones Chapala and Megh, close to 20,000 individuals need livelihoods support. The cluster continues to lead on a medium-term strategy to address the recovery needs of the island.
Business Assessment: Violent conflict, insecurity and prolonged restrictions to imports and exports has led to business closing. A rapid assessment into the degree to which businesses have been negatively affected by the conflict and their potential to adjust to the conflict environmen has found that. 26% of businesses interviewed closed due to the war with women businesses appearing to be less resilient than men's.Estimated losses range from 68,000,000YR a month for large enterprises to 1,300,000YR per month for micro enterprises.
Infrastructural Damage: As a priority for reconstruction, UNDP and UNOSAT completed assessment of infrastructural damages in Sanaa, Aden, Sa’ada and Taiz at different stages of the conflict. The assessments used satellite images taken between April and September illustrates satellite-detected damage and destruction in areas where numerous UXO and debris are expected to be found. Maps and detailed databases guide mine action activities set the priorities for reconstruction.