Gaza crisis response (October 2023 – December 2024)
- 4 095 tonnes of humanitarian relief items transported by air, sea or road
- 64 flights landed, transporting over 2 883 tonnes
- EU convoys transported 846 tonnes from Dubai to Amman
- Maritime transports: 367 tonnes shipped from Europe to Egypt and Jordan
- 12 Member States and 23 humanitarian partners supported.
- 3 Logistics experts and 2 health experts deployed in Cairo and Amman, respectively.
- 1 EU warehouse operational
EHRC stockpile:
- 195 tonnes of logistical items to Egypt and Palestine*
- 637 tonnes of WASH, shelter and heath items
EHRC operations 2024
EU Humanitarian Aid Flights (HAF):
- Operations in 5 countries
- 364 tonnes of items transported
- 16 683 Humanitarian Personnel transported
Humanitarian Air Bridge (HAB):
- Operations in 14 countries
- 97 flights completed
- 3 655 tonnes of items transported
- 47 Humanitarian Partners supported
Other transport modalities:
- 1 018 tonnes of items transported by trucks
- 367 tonnes transported via maritime shipment
Expert Deployment:
- 13 experts (10 health, 3 logistic) deployed
Pre-positioned emergency stockpile
- 817 tonnes of items deployed to 8 countries