Highlights/updates since the last map was sent on PacNet on 04 February 2020
DENV-3 in Republic of the Marshall Islands: There have been 2,456 dengue like illness of which 1,203 have been laboratory confirmed by the Republic of the Marshall Islands as of 02 February 2020. The outbreak continues in Majuro. - Source: Dengue-3 Outbreak in Republic of the Marshall Islands Situation Report, 02 February 2020.
DENV-2 in French Polynesia: There have been 2590 local cases and 2 imported cases of dengue 2 confirmed as of 26 January 2020. - Source: Bulletin de surveillance sanitaire, week 3 and 4, sent on Pacnet on 06 February 2020.
DENV-3 in Palau: Between 20 and 26 January, 2020, there were 5 new dengue cases reported. This brings the total number of cases for the month of January 2020 to 35 and from December 1, 2018 - January 26, 2020 to 802 cases. There have been two deaths officially attributed to dengue infection during this outbreak. - Source: Palau Dengue 3 outbreak situation report - Epi Week 04: January 20-26, 2020.
DENV-1 in Cook Islands: Eleven (11) probable cases have been reported in January 2020, an increase from 6 in December 2019. From 28 January 2019 to 31 January 2020, a total of 137 cases have been recorded, including confirmed and probable cases. - Source: Dengue-1 Outbreak, Cook Islands, Situation Report No. 9, 06 February 2020.
Tonga: As of 05 February 2020, 656 confirmed or suspected cases of measles have been reported in Tonga including 78 lab-confirmed cases. There is ongoing transmission of measles virus in Tongatapu and Vava'u. - Source: Measles outbreak situation report number 17, Ministry of Health Tonga, sent on Pacnet on 08 February 2020.
New Zealand: There was one confirmed measles case reported for Week 6/2020, bringing the total to 2195 since 1 January 2019, with 774 (35.3 %) hospitalizations. There are two ongoing outbreaks.- Source: ESR Measles weekly report Week 6: 01-07 February 2020https://surv.esr.cri.nz/PDF_surveillance/MeaslesRpt/2020/measlesReport20200210.pdf accessed on 10 February 2020.
Queensland: The Sunshine Coast Health has notified a new measles case on 04 February 2020. - Source: Queensland Healthhttps://www.health.qld.gov.au/news-events/health-alerts/measles accessed on 09 February 2020.
Victoria: Two new unrelated cases of measles have been identified in returned travellers from Nepal and the Philippines. There have been three cases of measles identified in Victoria this year. - Source: Victoria Healthhttps://www2.health.vic.gov.au/about/news-and-events/healthalerts/measles-2020-02 accessed on 09 February 2020.
New South Wales (NSW): South Eastern Sydney Local Health District has issued an alert after an infant visiting from overseas was diagnosed with measles. - Source: New South Wales Health, Australiahttps://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/alerts/Pages/measles-alerts-current.aspx accessed on 09 February 2020.
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Australia: As of 10 February 2020, 15 cases of 2019-nCoV have been confirmed in Australia: 4 in New South Wales, 4 in Victoria, 2 in South Australia, and 5 in Queensland. All of the cases in Australia have come from Wuhan except one in NSW who had contact in China with a confirmed case in Wuhan. - Source: Department of Health, Australian Governmenthttps://www.health.gov.au/news/coronavirus-update-at-a-glance accessed on 10 February 2020
Pacific: No confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV have been reported in the Pacific Island Countries or Territories (PICTs) as of 10 February 2020.
Outside of the Pacific
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): A total of 40,536 cases of novel coronavirus have been reported globally and 40,160 cases were reported from China. 910 deaths have been reported including 1 death outside of China as of 10 February 2020. Confirmed cases have also been reported in 27 other countries. - Source: John Hopkins CSSEhttps://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 accessed on 10 February, 2020 at 16:00 pm.
Other updates and information on Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) can be accessed at WHO Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reportshttps://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports and WHO Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation maphttp://who.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/c88e37cfc43b4ed3baf977d77e4a0667.
Additional information of relevance (e.g. imported cases with travel history to Pacific Island countries and territories):
- One (1) imported case of dengue type 2 (DENV-2) with travel history to Cook Islands was reported by New Zealand ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd) for the period 01/02/2020 - 07/02/2020.