Highlights/updates since the last map was sent on PacNet on 3 December 2018
An increasing number of dengue positive cases (serotype unknown) has been reported in Nauru. From 25 October to 5 December 2018, 114 samples were tested in the laboratory using NS1Ag Combo and 42 were positives. A batch of samples will be sent shortly to a reference laboratory for serotyping.– Source: personal communication with country officials on 10 December 2018
Diarrhoea outbreak in Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia: A total of 270 diarrhoea cases were reported from September 4th to November 30th, 2018. The Majority of cases are children under 4 years of age. Out of the 270 cases, 63 were rehydrated at the Outpatient Department. No death has been reported. Laboratory specimens were sent to CDC and are still being processed. ‒ Source: Diarrhoea and vomiting outbreak in Yap State – FSM Syndromic surveillance – Situation report No 1, 5 December 2018
Additional information of relevance (e.g. imported cases with travel history to Pacific Island countries and territories):
Three (3) imported cases of DENV-1 with travel history to Nauru were reported by Queensland Health (notifiable conditions data) for the period 01/01/2018 – 2/12/2018 available online.
Eighteen (18) imported cases of **dengue **(4 cases of DENV-1, 1 case of DENV-2, 7 cases of DENV-4 and 6 cases of dengue serotype unknown) with travel history to Papua New Guinea were reported by Queensland Health (notifiable conditions data) for the period 01/01/2018 – 2/12/2018 available online.