Following the declaration of famine in Leer and Mayendit Counties, Unity State, South Sudan,
REACH calculated the areas more likely to be food insecure basing the estimation on the data collected between December and January 2017 with the Area of Knowledge (AoK) approach, using the following methodology.
A simple, composite food security measurement was created by averaging the percentages of key informants (KIs) reporting on the following indicators for specific settlements:
- Presence of food
- Presence of functioning markets
- Access to agricultural inputs
- Access to agricultural land
0% indicates a reported absence of all 4 by all KIs, while 100% indicates all 4 were reported available by each KI. All indicators were considered to have the same impact on the composite measure.
Value for different assessed settlements have been averaged and represented with hexagons 5km wide. Line patterns highlight the population density as it was reported during two Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) held in Nyal Town, Panijiar County, with 4 male and 8 female participants respectively, from the different geographical areas in Mayendit. The areas assessed contain the majority of the population in Unity State.