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Malawi + 7 more

Southern Africa Weekly Report: 20th - 27th August 2012


COMOROS: A donor round table meeting to launch the Comoros Early Recovery Plan will be held on 5 September 2012, in Pretoria, South Africa.

CERF: Agencies have begun beneficiary selection and discussion with relevant line ministries regarding the implementation of CERF funding. A response plan to the food security crisis should be released shortly pending the government's presentation of their response plan.

After the SADC Head of States Summit in Maputo, the Military force called press and declared that they are totally against to any attempt to destabilise the country. Zero tolerance will be applied.
OCHA is to advocate the establishment of a national CP for social unrest

The cluster response plans targeting 15 districts; and describes USD 89 million of interventions in 4 key sectors: food assistance, agriculture, nutrition and education. At present, USD 18 million has already been sourced (Government of Malawi, USAID/FFP and UKAID/DFID) for the food assistance activities according to the response plan.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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