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Comoros + 8 more

Southern Africa: Weekly Report (30 April to 6 May 2013)


Comoros: Flash Flooding

On Grande Comore island, heavy rains between 30 April and 1 May caused some rivers to overflow. An estimated 172 families were affected, of which 82 families had to stay with community members. Some affected people have already started returning to their homes. Government, with support from partners, is assisting those affected. A request for international assistance is not expected.

Mozambique: Early Recovery Strategy

An Early Recovery Strategy, issued by the HCT on 30 April 2013, seeks US$ 11.7 million to enable the International Community to support the GoM effort in addressing early recovery needs for 140,000 people for a period of three months, until 30 July 2013, and support the long term resilience building.

Madagascar: Presidential Election

Among 50 applicants, 41 candidates are accepted officially to run for the election including Lalao Harivelo Ravalomanana (wife of former President Marc Ravalomanana), the former President Didier Ratsiraka and the current President of the High Transitional Authority, Mr.Andry Rajoelina.


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