• Tropical Cyclone NESAT made landfall near Yilan (north-eastern Taiwan) on 29 July morning (UTC) as a Typhoon (max. sustained winds of 130-140 km/h), then it crossed northern Taiwan and reached Fujian province on 29 July evening (UTC), weakened into a Tropical Storm. In the meantime, another Tropical Cyclone, named HAITANG, reached south-western Taiwan on 30 July morning, as a Tropical Storm. Afterwards, it crossed south-western Taiwan and reached Fujian province, on 30 July evening (UTC), as a Tropical Storm.
• Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall could still affect Fujian, Jiangxi and Zhejiang, as well as western Taiwan.
• In Taiwan: 128 people were injured, over 12 900 were evacuated, over 643 200 households suffered power outages in the counties of Tainan and Pingtung.
• In Fujian province: 95 000 people were evacuated and 400 houses were damaged.
Sources: GDACS, JTWC, CMA, CWB, JMA, Local authorities, Media