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Botswana + 7 more

Southern Africa: Maize Difference Yields (as of 11 Feb 2009)


11 February 2009 - In Malawi and Zambia the growing season has been dry up to now and reductions in yield up to -10% are expected. Above average maize yields are seen in Botswana (+7%) and normal national yields in Lesotho (+3%), South Africa (+2%) and Namibia (+1%). Moderate dry conditions in Swaziland and Angola could result in yield decreases that are about 6% lower than the 5 years average.

In Malawi, the Northern as well as the Southern Region have been dry since the start of the growing season and reduced yields of about -10% are forecasted, although the crop growing conditions have improved past 20 days. The water availability was better in the Central Region but on the average the yield in this region will also be about 5% lower than last year.

In Zambia dry conditions are seen in the whole territory and a reduction in yield is expected in all maize growing areas, although the growing conditions are improved the past 10 days. The south-west improves faster than the north-east of Zambia but the average expected yield is still -8%.

In Swaziland the national yield can be about 6% lower than the 5 years average but the yield will be better than previous year (+12%). Most of the southern part of the country has been affected by drought while in the northern part water availability was good and normal to above average yields are expected.

In Mozambique the maize yield in the main growing areas is a bit higher (+3%) than the 5 years average. The growing conditions of the crop were favorable and relatively good. The national yield is expected higher than previous year (+10%). Growing conditions and water availability was considerably better in the whole country, especially in the west and the south.

In Zimbabwe national yield is expected to be a bit lower (-2%) than the historical average and the same as previous year this in contrast with the previous dekad. The crop growing conditions have improved very well past 10 days in Matebeleland North, Midlands and Mashonaland West.

In South Africa the national yield is a bit higher (+2%) than the 5 years average but considerable differences are seen throughout the country. In the main maize growing areas of South Africa dry conditions and reduced yields of -4% are seen in Mpumalanga but higher than normal yields are expected in the north-west (+8%).

The forecasts for Lesotho are a bit higher (+3%) than the 5 years average. Water availability has been favorable in all parts of the country and has been constant the past 10 days.

In Botswana the maize yield at national level is higher than the 5 years average (+7%) but in the main maize growing areas there is a big difference between the north and the south. In Chobe in the north yield decreases of -10% are expected but in the south the growing conditions are considerably better (+20%).

In Namibia the growing season is still in an early phase. The national average yield is quite normal compare to the 5 years average (+1%), but local differences are seen.

In the maize growing areas of Angola water availability in Huambo and in the northern part of Huila is about 6% below the average while in the northern and eastern areas of the main growing areas (Bie, Cuanza Sul and Malanje) good growing conditions should result in somewhat better yields than last year (+3%).