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American Samoa + 47 more

Asia Pacific Regional Hazard Map: Earthquake Risk - Modified Mercalli Scale


Earthquake Intensity Risk Zones

This map shows earthquake intensity zones in accordance with the 1956 version of the Modified Mercalli Scale (MM), describing the effects of an earthquake on the surface of the earth and integrating numerous parameters such as ground acceleration, duration of an earthquake, and subsoil effects. It also includes historical earthquake reports.

The Zones indicate where there is a probability of 20 percent that degrees of intensity shown on the map will be exceeded in 50 years.This probability figure varies with time; i.e., it is lower for shorter periods and higher for longer periods.

Pacific islands and countries too small to be easily visible are represented by boxes giving an approximate level of equivalent risk based on data from Munich Reinsurance Company's NATHAN system.

Earthquake Intensity Risk Zones

I. Instrumental

II. Feeble

III. Slight

IV. Moderate

V. Rather Strong

VI. Strong

VII. Very Strong

VIII. Destructive

IX. Ruinous

X. Disastrous

XI. Very Disastrous

XII. Catastrophic


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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