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Flood Waters Over Khwaja Du Koh, Jawzjan Province, Afghanistan (as of 07 May 2014)


This map illustrates satellite-detected flooded areas of Khwajah Du Koh, Jawzjan Province, Afghanistan as seen on WorldView-2 satellite imagery collected 29 April 2014 and 7 May 2014. Heavy rainfall occurred on 23-24 April 2014, flooding a large part of the town. By the 7th May the flooded area appears to have decreased significantly compared with flood waters detected on 29th April. It is likely that flood waters have been systematically underestimated along highly vegetated areas along main river banks, and within built-up urban areas because of the special characteristics of the satellite data used. This analysis has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to UNITAR /UNOSAT. Satellite Data (1): WorldView-2 Imagery Dates: 29 April and 7 May 2014 Resolution: 50 cm Copyright: DigitalGlobe Source: USGS Satellite Data (2): Pleiades Imagery Date: 13 August 2012 Copyright: CNES 2013 - Distribution Astrium Services / Spot Image Source: Geostore Road Data : Google Map Maker / OSM / ESRI Other Data: USGS, UNCS, NASA, NGA Analysis : UNITAR / UNOSAT Production: UNITAR / UNOSAT Analysis conducted with ArcGIS v10.1