Tropical Storm Isaac - Aug 2012
Disaster description
Tropical Storm Isaac's centre passed over Haiti's southwest peninsula in the early morning of Saturday 25 August, approximately 80 kilometres west of Port-au-Prince. As of 28 August, a total of 165 camp areas have been affected in Port-au-Prince with a total number of 13,800 families affected. The confirmed fatalities from Tropical Storm Isaac throughout the country are of 5 people. (IFRC, 28 Aug 2012)
In the Dominican Republic, more than 4,700 houses were flooded and 2,225 people took shelter in evacuation centers (Government, 27 Aug 2012).
In Cuba, official preliminary reports indicate that heavy rains fell over Guantánamo province where the storm made landfall, affecting several municipalities: Baracoa, with several coastal communities in low lying areas or with homes near rivers, Yateras, Maisi, Imías and San Antonio del Sur (IFRC, 28 Aug 2012).
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