Paraguay: Floods - Apr 2015
Disaster description
On 4 Apr 2015, a severe storm hit several towns in the department of Concepción in northern Paraguay, affecting houses, crops and farm animals. Authorities estimate that 5,000 people were affected and have begun the response by providing roofing material, food and medical attention. OCHA is processing an application for emergency funds to support the authorities in the response. (OCHA, 13 Apr 2015) As per request from the Paraguayan Government, USAID channeled $50,000 through ADRA to support the response (Govt, 15 Apr 2015).
In May 2015, heavy rains caused the overflowing of several rivers and affected communities in Asuncion and central departments. According to weather experts, the amount of rain was not atypical, although the intensity and volume in such a short time was. More than 3,000 families were affected in the districts of Ypané, Villeta, Ypacaraí, Luque, Mariano Roque Alonso, Villa Hayes, Capiatá, Limpio and Yaguarón. (OCHA, 11 May 2015)
In June 2015, the National Emergency Agency (SEN) reported that around 9,602 families (about 48,000 people) were affected by the flooding of the Paraguay river. In Asuncion, about 6,000 families received assistance from the SEN, which coordinates actions with the Asuncion Municipal Council of Emergencies and Disasters. (PAHO, 16 Jun 2015)
Early July, the number of affected families was above 32,000, more than 23,000 of which had received assistance. The departments most hit by the floods were Alto Paraguay, Boquerón, Presidente Hayes, Concepción, San Pedro, Cordillera, Central, Guairá, Caazapá, Misiones and Ñeembucú. (Government of Paraguay, 6 Jul 2015) By end of July 2015, nearly 35,000 people had been affected by flooding after heavy rains this week and had to stay in shelters. A total of 6,987 families from Asuncion were in shelters. (PAHO, 24 Jul 2015)
During the last week of August, heavy rains, strong winds and hail left more than 900 houses affected in the departments of Paraguarí, San Pedro, Cordillera and Central. (Gov't of Paraguay, 28 Aug 2015)