Lesotho: Food Insecurity - 2012-2013
Disaster description
In October 2012, Lesotho faced a food insecurity crisis which affected 725,215 people. This slow onset disaster became chronic in 2012, when the country experienced above normal rainfall, resulting in residual moisture through the months of May to August, which impacted on crop yield. (IFRC, 3 Dec 2013)
In 2012, the combined production of cereals in Lesotho was the lowest in 10 years, representing only 32% of the average annual harvest. (UN Resident Coordinator for Lesotho, 20 Jul 2012)
The government declared a food crisis situation on 9 Aug 2012 and called on development partners to assist. (UN Resident Coordinator for Lesotho, 24 Aug 2012)
In September, the Government prepared an appeal document, and the humanitarian partners launched a flash appeal, seeking $38,458,738.
Despite a number of challenges experienced by farmers during the 2012/13 cropping season, cereal production in 2013 was significantly higher than the previous year’s below average harvest and the five year average. This increased cereal availability continued to improve household food insecurity outcomes. Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity was projected to prevail through December. (FEWS, 25 Jul 2013)
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