Sri Lanka: Floods and Landslides - Sep 2015
Disaster description
Continuous heavy rain since mid-September 2015 in the southern regions resulted in floods and landslides, causing eight deaths and nine injuries. Over 7,300 people are affected by adverse weather conditions in 4 districts and 450 houses were partially damaged and 151 houses were fully damaged. A total of 344 people remain displaced in welfare centres due to flood and landslide situation. (OCHA, 5 Oct 2015)
As of 30 Nov, over 52,500 people are affected by flooding in Jaffna District, Northern Province. Over 320 people are displaced due to high risks of landslides in Badulla District. While conditions in flood-affected districts are improving, the Department of Irrigation reports 18 out of a total 72 major reservoirs are overflowing. With the onset of the Northeast monsoonal rains, floods are expected to trigger continued reservoir overflowing and spill gates will be released to manage water levels. Local disaster management authorities remain on high-alert. (OCHA, 30 Nov 2015)
The Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS) is responding to various emergencies as a result of adverse weather conditions in most parts of Sri Lanka. 138,676 people living in 14 districts, mostly in the north are affected by floods, landslides and heavy rains...In Jaffna, the most affected district, the SLRCS branch volunteers has been assisting in evacuation and coordination with Government Authorities to ensure people affected are brought to safety. Over 86,000 people living in 9 divisional secretariats are affected from this emergency...In Kilinochchi the SLRCS branch has provided non food relief items. There are over 1,500 families housed in temporary camps within the district limits... Meanwhile in Mullativu, over 2,700 families were affected from flash floods and have been moved to temporary camps (Sri Lanka Red Cross Society, 19 Nov 2015)
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