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Chad: Floods - Aug 2023

Disaster description

On August 11, 2023, following heavy torrential rains, the protective dike along Logone River broke on the Chad side, causing heavy flooding in this area bordering Cameroon. Villages along the dike were completely flooded making the area uninhabitable for people. Fields, dwelling houses, livestock were destroyed. The most affected villages are Makaroua, Mirbidim, Mala and Pit-Arrey. Since August 12, these Chadian populations have gradually moved to Cameroon, which is more easily accessible, particularly in village of Moula, Maga district, Mayo Danay Department. Figures of the identification carried out by the administrative authorities show 346 households or 2,401 people affected. (IFRC, 12 Sep 2023)

From 11 to 13 August 2023, more than 2,400 people arrived from Chad in Mourla, in the Far North region, following flooding in Mirvidim, in the Katawa district of Chad. The floods are the result of a breach of the Bongor-Gamsai dike, which caused water to pour into several villages, destroying houses, fields, water points, latrines, etc. (OCHA, 2 Oct 2023)

Between August and September, several flood alerts were registered in the provinces of Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Tandjilé and Mayo Kebbi Est, which, according to government services (notably SISAAP and ANADER), caused the destruction of 18,130 hectares of crops, the collapse of 2,700 houses, the death of 5 people in Doba rural, Beboni sub-prefecture, and the injury of 110 people as well as the death of 21 small animals. (OCHA, 3 Nov 2023)

In the south of Chad, several flood warnings were recorded between August and September 2023 in the provinces of Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Tandjilé and Mayo Kebbi Est, destroying 18,130 hectares of crops and 2,700 houses, killing five people in rural Doba (sub-prefecture of Beboni), injuring 110 people, causing the loss of 21 small animals and displacing 2,400 people from the sub-prefecture of Katawa, Mayo-Kebbi East towards Cameroon, in the locality of Moura. (OCHA, 23 Nov 2023)

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