Indonesia: Floods and Landslides - Aug 2023
Disaster description
Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern Indonesia (in particular Sumatra Island) since 13 August, causing floods and landslides that have resulted in damage. (ECHO, 14 Aug 2023) According to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the floods have affected 2,852 people (713 families) across 10 villages in Pesisir Selatan District, West Sumatra. On 16 August, 100 families reported being displaced by floodwaters. (ECHO, 18 Aug 2023)
Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern Indonesia (in particular the Sulawesi Island) since 27 August, causing floods and landslides that have resulted in casualties and damage. The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 28 August, one fatality, a total of more than 1,500 affected people and nearly 600 damaged houses across the Bolaang Mongondow Selatan Regency (North Sulawesi Province). (ECHO, 28 Aug 2023)
Heavy rainfall has affected northern Indonesia, in particular Langkat Regency in North Sumatra Province on 30 August. The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 31 August, 4,464 affected people and nearly 1,116 damaged houses across the Batang Serangandue and the Padang Tualang District, in northern Langkat Regency, due to the overflow of the Batang Serangan River. (ECHO, 31 Aug 2023)
According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network, as of 4 September, 4,089 affected people and nearly 2,939 damaged houses have been reported in Gunung Sitoli City (North Sumatra Province) due to the overflow of the Nou, Boyo, Idanoi, Afia, and Gido Sebua River. Moreover, 1,449 people have been affected by flooding and nearly 302 houses have been damaged in Morotai Island (North Maluku Province). (ECHO, 4 Sep 2023)
Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern Indonesia, in particular the Sumatra Island, since 1 September, causing floods that have resulted in casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) report two fatalities and more than 1,000 evacuated people across the Labuhanbatu Regency (North Sumatra Province), where the worst affected is the Bilah Hilir District. (ECHO, 6 Sep 2023) As of 8 September, ADINet reports 3,016 affected people across the Asahan Regency (North Sumatra Province), and 754 damaged houses across Teluk Dalam, Simpang Empat and Meranti Districts. (ECHO, 8 Sep 2023)
According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), more than 1,600 people have been affected by floods as well as 412 houses in Medan City in North Sumatra Province. In addition, almost 500 people have been affected in Simeulue Island, Aceh Province due to another flood event. (ECHO, 18 Sep 2023)
As of 20 September, the most affected areas are Nunukan Regency in North Kalimantan Province (northern Indonesia), where 7,874 people and 1,682 houses have been affected by flooding, and Aceh Selatan Regency in Aceh Province in western Indonesia, where 931 people and 263 houses have been affected. Another affected province is West Sumatra, in particular Pariaman and Padang Pariaman Cities, in western Sumatra, with 160 and 152 affected people respectively. (ECHO, 22 Sep 2023)
Heavy rainfall has been affecting northern Indonesia, in particular the northern and central Sumatra Island, since 14 October, causing floods that have resulted in casualties and damage. The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 16 October, one injured person, more than 260 damaged houses and a total of nearly 1,100 affected people across the Pasaman Regency (West Sumatra Province) and Aceh Singkil Regency (Aceh Province). (ECHO, 16 Oct 2023)
Over the past few days, strong winds and tornadoes have affected parts of Sumatra and Java, resulting in widespread damage. According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), in Java Island, more than 1,100 people have been affected across the regencies of Bandung, West Java Province, Sragen, Central Java Province and Sukabumi, West Java Province due to strong winds and tornadoes. 109 people have also been impacted by a tornado in Bangka Island, Bangka Belitung Province. (ECHO, 26 Oct 2023)
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 30 October, two fatalities across the Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province due to the strong wind. In addition, BNPB also reports three persons still missing and two rescued people in the Subulussalam City, Aceh Province due to a landslide occurred on 27 October. (ECHO, 30 Oct 2023)
Heavy rains in Yahukimo District in Papua Mountains Province caused heavy crop damage and triggered a number of landslides killing 17 people. The BNPB, the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Cultural Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the local governments have been distributing aid to those affected by landslides. The airstrip in Panggema Sub-District is still inaccessible due to the landslides. (OCHA, 1 Nov 2023)
According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), as of 12 November, 20 people have been displaced in Aceh Tengah Regency due to floods, where a total of 120 people have been affected. Moreover, 118 people have been affected by floods and landslides in Aceh Tenggara Regency (Aceh Province). In Bogor Regency the overflow of the Cikumpa River affected 235 people and 60 houses, while in Sukabumi Regency strong winds damaged 126 houses and affected 504 people (West Java Province). (ECHO, 13 Nov 2023)
Since 13 November, heavy rainfall and river overflow have been affecting Sumatra Island in Indonesia, in particular the Aceh and North Sumatra Province, causing flooding that have resulted in casualties and damage. As of 13 November, the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports one fatality, 102 two injured people, of whom 100 in Samosir Regency, North Sumatra and two in Aceh Tenggara Regency in Aceh Province, and one missing person in Samosir Regency. In Aceh Province, 840 people have been affected, two bridges and 210 houses have been damaged across Aceh Tenggara and Subulussalam Regencies. In North Sumatra Province, 3,393 people and 832 houses have been affected by flooding and river overflow across Samosir, Tapanuli Selatan, Deli Serdang and Langkat regencies. In addition, five bridges have been destroyed. (ECHO, 15 Nov 2023)
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