Indonesia: Floods and Landslides - Jan 2021
Disaster description
Indonesia’s Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency predicts the peak of La Nina to occur in December 2020 and January 2021. The peak of La Nina coincides with the peak of rainy season which usually occurs between January and February. The agency also states that this phenomenon could increase precipitation which triggers heavy rainfall across the country. During this period, Indonesia frequently suffers flood and landslides. As of January 14, 2021, several provinces in the country had reported floods and landslides since the beginning of the year[:]
- Flooding in Lhokseumawe and Langsa, Aceh province, 4 January 2021
- Flash Flooding in Malang District, East Java Province, 8 January 2021
- Flooding in Nunukan District, North Kalimantan, 8 January 2021
- Flooding in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, 10 January 2021
- Landslides in Sumedang District, West Java Province, 11 January 2021
- Flooding in Solok, West Sumatra, 12 January 2021
- Flooding across South Kalimantan Province, up to 14 January 2021
- Floods in Bandung District, West Java Province, 13 January 2021 (IFRC, 16 Jan 2021)
As of 17 January, seven cities / regencies in South Kalimantan were affected by the flood triggered by high intensity rain since 9 January. At least 210,140 people were affected by the flood with around 39,500 people displaced according to the report from Indonesia’s Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). Most of the flood area are not only concentrated in the downstream of the Barito watershed, but also spreading across affected regencies. (AHA Centre, 18 Jan 2021)
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the AHA Centre report, as of 21 January, 114 displaced people, more than 21,150 affected people and nearly 5,400 damaged buildings in Cirebon Regency (West Java Province). In addition, around 1,600 displaced, nearly 3,600 affected and 760 damaged buildings were reported across East Aceh, and Aceh Tamiang Regencies (Aceh Province). Moreover, more than 70 affected families and 12 damaged buildings were reported in Paniai Regency (Papua Province). (ECHO, 21 Jan 2021)
Since 18 January heavy rainfall has been reported across Java, northern Sumatra and northern Sulawesi Islands (Indonesia), triggering flooding which resulted in fatalities, affected about 4,350 residents and damaged at least 519 buildings. According to AHA Centre, two people died and two others were injured in Mandao City (North Sulawesi Province), as a result of flooding caused by heavy rainfall and river overflow, while minor landslides have been also reported. More than 2,235 individuals have been displaced in North Sulawesi, Aceh Province (north Sumatra) and East Java Province. (ECHO, 25 Jan 2021)
According to reports from the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), heavy rainfall in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia resulted in localised flooding incidents. Flash floods have been reported in Sumbawa Regency. Meanwhile in West Lombok, the heavy rain increased discharge of the Telaga Lebur and Kelep Rivers. Lastly in Central Lombok, the heavy rainfall resulted in flooding. These events affected 1,700 families (6,000 people) and damaged 1,700 houses. According to latest reports, the rain has subsided, and the floods have started to recede. (AHA Centre, 31 Jan 2021)
Widespread floods caused by heavy rainfall have been affecting Kalimantan (Indonesian portion of the island of Borneo) and Java over the past few days, resulting in casualties and damage. According to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), more than 1,100 people have been affected, 90 houses damaged as well as several infrastructures across the Provinces of West Java and East Java. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports 1,183 affected people and 483 damaged houses in Balangan Regency (South Kalimantan Province). (ECHO, 3 Feb 2021)
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 4 February, one fatality, one person missing, 65 displaced and 11,650 affected people and eight houses severely damaged across Pasuruan Regency (East Java Province). Around ten displaced people, 3,100 affected people and 620 damaged houses were also reported in Nganjuk Regency in the same Province. In addition, more than 10,650 affected people and nearly 3,250 damaged houses were reported across Kudus Regency (Central Java Province). (ECHO, 5 Feb 2021)
Rainy season floods have continued in a number of locations in Indonesia in the past week, including in Jakarta, Bogor, Pekalongan, Cilegon, Jember in Java, Singkawang and Bengkayang in West Kalimantan, as well as in Bima, Dompu, and East Lombok. Large floods and landslides in Semarang City in Central Java on 5-7 February resulted in four deaths and millions of people affected. On 6-7 February, heavy rain in Bekasi and Karawang in West Java caused flooding which resulted in at least 9,000 households displaced. While on 2-3 February, floods in Kudus in Central Java directly affected over 10,000 people. Local governments have responded to the emergencies. (OCHA, 9 Feb 2021)
Following widespread floods and landslides that have been affecting West Java Province since 4 February, the number of casualties has increased. According to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), 63,700 people have been displaced, 156,800 affected and 39,100 houses damaged across eight Regencies. Additional floods have been reported in West Nusa Tenggara Province where 1,695 people have been displaced and 3,875 affected, and in Papua Province with 4,406 affected people. (ECHO, 11 Feb 2021)
Heavy rainfall has been affecting Central Java Province since 10 February, causing floods, triggering landslides and resulting in fatalities and damage. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), two people have died, one is missing, 90 people have been displaced and 108 families have been affected across five villages in Kebumen Regency (southern Central Java Province). In addition, 108 houses were flooded as well as one school. (ECHO, 12 Feb 2021)
A landslide triggered by heavy rainfall occurred in Ngetos Village (Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province) on 14 February, resulting in casualties and damage. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management, two people have died, 16 are still missing, 17 have been injured and eight houses severely damaged. At the same time, some parts of East Java Province have been hit by widespread floods, leading to 357 people displaced and 294 families affected. (ECHO, 15 Feb 2021)
After the landslide occurred in Ngetos Village (Ngetos District, Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province) on 14 February, the number of casualties has increased. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 16 February, nine fatalities, 16 injured, 156 displaced and 175 affected people. In addition, eight buildings were reported severely damaged. (ECHO, 16 Feb 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting Java Island (in particular West Java, and Jakarta Provinces), since 19 February, causing rivers overflow and floods that have resulted in casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 22 February, more than 4,180 displaced, 28,329 affected people and 8,539 damaged houses across Karawang Regency (West Java Province) due to the overflow of the Citarum River. In addition, five destroyed houses were reported across Bekasi Regency in the same Province. In the Jakarta City area, the same source reports more than 1,220 displaced and around 1,100 affected people. Flooding was also reported in Bekasi Regency on 21 February. (ECHO, 22 Feb 2021)
Heavy rain continued to affect the Java Island (in particular West Java, and Jakarta Provinces) since 19 February, causing rivers overflow and floods that have resulted in more casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 23 February, five fatalities, two people missing, nearly 31,400 evacuated and more than 176,150 affected people across the Grater Jakarta area. In addition, almost 19,100 displaced and more than 52,500 affected people were reported across Karawang Regency (West Java Province), in particular due to the overflow of the Citarum River. (ECHO, 23 Feb 2021)
On 22-23 February, heavy rain caused flooding in West Nusa Tenggara Province (Lesser Sunda Islands) affecting at least 4,800 residents, as reported by AHA Centre. In addition, floodwaters have damaged about 1,100 houses across Dompu and Sumbawa Regencies. (ECHO, 24 Feb 2021)
Heavy rain and strong wind have been reported across several areas of Indonesia, causing landslides, flooding and tornado events, which resulted in at least eight fatalities. According to national authorities, a landslide occurred in Pamekasan Regency (East Java Province) on 24 February, killing five people, injuring a number of individuals and damaging around 20 houses. Another landslide event occurred on the same day in Parigi Moutong Regency (Central Sulawesi Province), leading to three fatalities and five individuals are still missing. AHA Centre reports that a tornado event in Demak Regency (Central Java Province) affected more than 650 people displaced 45 individuals, and damaged around 200 buildings. Flooding triggered by heavy rain in West Halmahera Regency (North Maluku Province) left 100 affected residents and damaged 20 public buildings. (ECHO, 25 Feb 2021)
Flooding caused by heavy rain on 23 February has been reported in six sub-districts of Semarang City (Central Java Province). According to AHA Centre, about 90,590 residents were affected and 9,169 houses have been flooded. Local authorities continue with rapid assessment operations and are assisting the affected population with food and relief items. (ECHO, 26 Feb 2021)
Heavy rain continues to affect the Java Island (in particular Central Java Province) since 23 February, causing floods and triggering landslides that have resulted in more casualties and damage. Media reports as of 1 March, one fatality in Tegalsari (Semarang City, Central Java Province) due to the floods and three rescued people in Gajahmungkur (Semarang City) due to landslides. Previously, more than 90,500 affected people were reported across six districts (East Semarang, North Semarang, West Semarang, Pedurungan, Genuk and Gayam Sari) of the same Province. (ECHO, 1 Mar 2021)
On 1-2 March, heavy rain caused flooding and river overflow in East Java Province (Indonesia), resulting in at least 2,160 affected people. As reported by AHA Centre, the hardest-hit areas are Bojonegoro and Banyuwangi Regencies. In Bojonegoro Regency, the overflow of Anak Pacal River has damaged about 386 houses and one medical facility and at least 46 housing units have been damaged in Banyuwangi Regency. (ECHO, 4 Mar 2021)
Heavy rainfall events in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua, that occurred since 1 Mar, caused the flood which affected over 30,000 persons (6,000 families), damaging 1,200 houses, eight medical facilities, seven educational facilities, more than 5,000 ha of agriculture area, fishponds, and livestock in 23 districts. On 4 Mar, heavy rainfall events caused the overflowing of Citarik river and resulted flood in Bandung Regency, affecting around 25,000 people and damaging at least 5,000 houses. (AHA Centre, 7 Mar 2021)
Heavy rain and strong wind affected central Indonesia (particularly Bangka Belitung Islands and Lampung Provinces) over 4-6 March, causing a number of severe weather-related incidents (particularly due to the strong wind) that have resulted in casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 9 March, 51 affected families and a number of damaged houses across Toboali District (South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province). In addition, the same source reports 69 affected families and 62 damaged houses across Metro Kibang District (East Lampung Regency, Lampung Province). (ECHO, 9 Mar 2021)
Widespread floods triggered by heavy rain have been affecting Sumbawa Island (Lesser Sunda Islands) and southern Borneo since 9 March, leading to casualties and damage. According to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), 1,880 people have been affected and 470 houses damaged in Dompu Regency (West Nusa Tenggara Province). The same source reports 699 people affected and 151 damaged buildings in Balangan Regency (South Kalimantan Province). (ECHO, 10 Mar 2021)
Widespread floods triggered by heavy rain continue to hit several parts of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi Islands, leading to casualties and damage. According to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), in Java, almost 4,000 people have been affected and more than 800 buildings damaged across the Provinces of Central Java and East Java. The same source reports more than 2,400 affected people in South Sulawesi Province (1,239) and West Sumatra Province (1,223). Local and national authorities are providing assistance to those affected and conducting damage assessment operations. (ECHO, 15 Mar 2021)
Heavy rain continues to affect parts of Java, causing flooding and landslides. As reported by the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre), 650 people have been affected and 120 houses have been damaged by flooding in Bojonegoro Regency (East Java Province). The same source also reports a landslide in Tangerang District (Banten Province), which has affected at least 500 residents and damaged one road infrastructure. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), a tornado event occurred on 17 March in Banyuwangi Regency (East Java Province), damaging about 16 houses. (ECHO, 18 Mar 2021)
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the AHA Centre report, as of 19 March, 1,974 affected people, 416 damaged buildings and some damaged roads across North Gorontalo Regency (Gorontalo Province) due to floods. In addition, 726 affected people and 200 damaged buildings were also reported across Gresik Regency (East Java), also in this case due to floods. (ECHO, 19 Mar 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting central Indonesia (in particular Java, and Sulawesi Islands) since 23 March, causing floods and landslides that have resulted in evacuations and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports as of 26 March, 11 evacuated people and 53 affected people in Batu City (Malang Regency, East Java Province) due to a landslide. In addition, BNPB reports 1,490 affected people and around 315 damaged houses across North Gorontalo Regency (Gorontalo Province) due to floods. (ECHO, 26 Mar 2021)
Days of heavy rain and strong winds in central Indonesia resulted in river overflow and floods. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the AHA Centre report nearly 1,100 affected and more than 275 damaged building across Central Kalimantan Province (in Murung Raya Regency) and West Java Province (in Bogor Regency and Bandung City). In Bandung Regency (West Java Province) 5 people were injured, around 1,500 affected and more than 300 buildings damaged by the strong winds. (ECHO, 29 Mar 2021)
Heavy rain in Indonesia (particularly Java, and Sulawesi Islands) in the last week has caused river overflow, notably the Citarum River on Java, triggering floods and flash floods. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports as of 30 March, nearly 40 displaced people, around 60,500 affected people and more than 10,000 damaged houses across Bandung Regency (West Java Province), following flooding. The most affected area is the Baleendah District with nearly 32,800 affected people. In addition, nearly 165 people were displaced in two evacuation centres across Siau Islands Regency (North Sulawesi Province) due to flash floods on 29 March. (ECHO, 30 Mar 2021)
Due to the high intensity rain that occurred on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 14:30 WIB, the coastal flood inundated at least ±12,335 households in six urban villages including: Belawan I, Belawan II, Sicanang, Bahari, Bahagia, and Bagan Deli. It is estimated about 52,316 people were affected by the flood (BNPB). (AHA Centre, 1 Apr 2021)
On 29 March - 1 April, several flooding and landslide events, triggered by heavy rainfall, occurred mostly in Java, Sumatra, and western Lesser Sunda Islands, resulting in about 75,506 affected people, and at least 50 displaced residents. According to reports from AHA Centre, at least 16,381 houses, 21 schools, and 16 places of worship have been destroyed or damaged. On 29 April, a landslide occurred in Solok Regency (West Sumatra Province), isolating 2,500 people, across four villages. (ECHO, 2 Apr 2021)
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reported that as many as 10,263 families (30,750 persons) were affected by Tropical Cyclone Seroja, with 563 people evacuated. 59 death, 10 injuries, and 42 missing persons have been reported in East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara as of 5 April. According to the Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), the impacts not only in Nusa Tenggara Islands, but also can be occurs in Maluku, Bali, and Sulawesi. (AHA Centre, 5 Apr 2021)
Following the passage of Tropical Cyclone SEROJA, the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management reports 128 fatalities, 72 people missing and 8,424 people displaced in East Nusa Tenggara. Very heavy rain, strong winds and storm surge are forecast over East Nusa Tenggara Province on 6-7 April. (ECHO, 6 Apr 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting Java island on 11-12 April, causing flooding and landslides, which resulted in casualties. According to the national authorities, one person died after a landslide event occurred on 11 April in Ibun Regency (Bandung Regency, West Java Province). Flooding caused by the overflow of Jombok river in Ponogoro Regency (East Java Province) has affected at least 25 families and damaged 25 housing units, as reported by the AHA Centre. Warnings for heavy rain with lightning and strong wind have been issued for several Regencies in East and West Java. Moderate to locally heavy rain is forecast over most of Java island on 13-14 April. (ECHO, 13 Apr 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting the Java Island (in particular the East Java Province) since 14 April, causing rivers overflow (particularly Kelok and Ganda Rivers) and triggering floods that have resulted in evacuations and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 16 April, 13 evacuated families and around 35 damaged buildings across seven villages in the Madiun Regency (East Java Province). (ECHO, 16 Apr 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting western Java Island (particularly the West Java Province) since 16 April, causing landslides that have resulted in displacements and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 20 April, 56 displaced people, 15 affected families and 20 damaged houses across Ciradas and Sukaresmi Villages (Bekasi Regency, West Java Province), due to landslides occurred on 17 April. Over the next 24 hours, moderate rain is forecast over wester Java and heavy rain is forecast over central and eastern Regencies of the Island. (ECHO, 20 Apr 2021)
A landslide, triggered by heavy rain, occurred in Cicurug District (Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province, Java Island) on 25 April, leading to casualties and damage. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), two people have been injured, three families evacuated and two houses severely damaged. On 27-28 April, light rain is forecast across West Java Province, including the affected Regency. (ECHO, 27 Apr 2021)
Heavy rains have triggered a number of landslides in the past week. Five people died and eight others are missing following landslides on 29 April in South Tapanuli Regency in North Sumatra. Another landslide in Sukabumi Regency in West Java on 1 May killed a 5-year-old child and two other people were injured. Search operations and the response to meet to the needs of affected people are being led by local government agencies and local organizations. (OCHA, 4 May 2021)
The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 7 May, around 3,000 affected people and 700 damaged houses across Labuhan Batu Utara Regency (North Sumatra Province) due to floods. In addition, one road was reported interrupted in the same Regency due to a landslide. (ECHO, 7 May 2021)
Heavy rain has affected several Indonesian provinces since 8 May, causing floods, triggering landslides and resulting in casualties and damage. According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), more than 1,000 people are affected, 522 in West Java Province, 270 in North Kalimantan and 231 in Aceh. At least 243 houses have been damaged, 2 public buildings and 11 roads across the provinces. (ECHO, 10 May 2021)
Heavy rain on Sumatra Island (particularly the West Sumatra Province) since 9 May, triggered a landslide, resulting in casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports 7 fatalities, one person missing and 9 injured following the landslide on 10 May in a mining area in the Sangir Batang Hari District (South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province). A number of people have been evacuated to a local health centre. (ECHO, 12 May 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting northern Sumatra Island (in particular the Aceh Province) since 17 May, causing river overflow and floods that have resulted in widespread damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) report, as of 17-18 May, 4,443 affected people and 991 damaged houses across Aceh Singkil Regency (Aceh Province). (ECHO, 19 May 2021)
According to Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), flooding in Kapuas Regency in Central Kalimantan on 18 May has affected 5,400 families (27,000 persons) and damaged 3,800 houses, 11 roads, a public facility, and a place of worship. As of latest report, the weather is already in a better condition and fortunately, there have been no reports of injuries, missing, or displacement. Relevant authorities and agencies have coordinated and conducted assessment in the area. (AHA Centre, 24 May 2021)
On 25 May, the flooding triggered by prolonged high intensity rain has affected Dayeuhkolot, Baleendah, Bojongsoang, and Margarahayu Sub-district in Bandung, West Java according to the report from Indonesia’s Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bandung Regency reported that as many as 16,887 families or 59,819 people were affected by the flood. Data collection is still on-going for the damages caused by the flood and other impacts. As of reporting, 8,812 houses, 18 schools, and 28 places of worship were submerged in flood waters that ranging from a depth of 20 to 250 cm. According to the records in the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), three of the four subdistricts that experienced flooding on 25 May (Dayeuhkolot, Baleendah, and Bojongsoang Subdistrict) were previously flooded on 10 January and 25 March. (AHA Centre, 26 May 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting southern and northern Sumatra Island over the past few days, causing river overflows and floods that have resulted in widespread damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 27 May, 1,235 affected people and 250 damaged buildings (including one school) across Musi Rawas Regency (South Sumatra Province) due to the overflow of the Lakit River. In addition, 140 affected people and 28 damaged buildings were also reported in Lhokseumawe City Regency (Aceh Province, northern Sumatra Island). (ECHO, 28 May 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting the Java Island (in particular the West Java Province) since 1 June, causing river overflow (particularly the Cisupload river) and floods that have resulted in casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) report, as of 2 June, two injured people, 1,762 affected people, around 500 damaged houses and one collapsed house across Bandung Regency (West Java Province). (ECHO, 3 Jun 2021)
The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports, as of 4 June, one injured person, 15 temporarily evacuated people and two damaged buildings due to a landslide occurred in Batutulis Village (Bogor City Regency, West Java Province). In addition, the landslide event also blocked access to roads for local residents. (ECHO, 4 Jun 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting the Java Island (in particular the East Java Province) since 8 June, causing rivers overflow (particularly the Bagong river) and floods that have resulted in damage. The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports, as of 9 June, 1,197 affected people and more than 650 affected houses across Banyuwangi Regency (East Java Province). (ECHO, 10 Jun 2021)
Heavy rain has affected several parts of Java Island over the past few days, causing floods, triggering landslides and leading to casualties and damage. According to Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), two people have been injured, 90 have been evacuated and 4,000 affected in Banten Province. The ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) reports 20 displaced and 500 affected people in Bandung Regency (West Java Province). (ECHO, 14 Jun 2021)
Heavy rain has been affecting parts of Java and Sumatra Islands since 16 June, triggering landslides and causing floods that have resulted in displacements and damage. In Java Island, the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) report, as of 18 June, five displaced people, 1,350 affected people, ten damaged houses (of which four collapsed), one damaged bridge and two damaged roads across Tulungagung Regency (East Java Province) due to landslides. In Sumatra Island, nearly 600 affected people and 227 damaged houses were reported across Sijunjung Regency (West Sumatra Province) due to floods. In addition, 600 affected people and 120 damaged houses were reported across Indragiri Hulu Regency (Riau Province) due to floods. (ECHO, 18 Jun 2021)
On 18-19 June, heavy rain was reported across Java and Sulawesi Islands, causing floods and a landslide, which have resulted in casualties. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), two people died and a number of residents were injured in a landslide event, which occurred on 19 June in Magelang Regency (Central Java Province). Floods across West Java and Southeast Sulawesi Provinces have left more than 52,900 people affected and damaged 31 houses and 18 schools, as reported by the AHA Centre. (ECHO, 21 Jun 2021)
Heavy rain and strong winds affected southern Sulawesi and western Java since 26 June, causing flash floods and leading to casualties and damage. The Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) reports 11 displaced people, 123 affected and more than 40 damaged houses following flash floods in Wajo Regency (South Sulawesi Province). According to the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), 200 people have been affected and 24 houses damaged due to a tornado event that hit Pandeglang Regency in Banten Province (western Java). (ECHO, 28 Jun 2021)
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