Republic of Congo: Floods - Oct 2019
Disaster description
On 3 October, heavy rains resulted in floods in the department of Likouala. As a result of the floods, homes and public infrastructures (schools, health centres, water points, latrines, etc.) have been destroyed leaving the affected population in precarious living conditions and with limited access to health care. Furthermore, the floods have caused significant damage to the agricultural and farming sectors thus pausing a threat to food security. As of 4 November 2019, 17 353 people were affected and 3 913 homes were destroyed. The villages of Liboko, Eboko and Ikpembele were the most affected. Some of the displaced people have moved towards the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (WHO, 24 Nov 2019)
On 21 November, following heavy rains since the beginning of October, the Government declared a state of natural disaster and humanitarian emergency, requesting support from the UN and humanitarian partners. Two departments affected by the floods are located along the Congo River, Plateaux in the centre and the Cuvette in the north. The heavy rains also caused the overflow of the Oubangui River, severely affecting the northern Likouala department. More than 100 villages along the river are severely affected in at least five districts. Preliminary figures from rapid assessments anticipate that more than 110,000 people are affected. (OCHA, 25 Nov 2019)
As of 22 November 2019, an estimated 112 175 people have been affected by the floods, including 60 000 in Likouala (53%), 33 933 in Cuvette (30%), 16 100 in Plateaux (14%) and 2 142 (2%) in Shanga. Refugees constitute one-quarter (26%, n=29 183) of the affected population. (WHO, 1 Dec 2019)
Since October 2019, heavy rains have affected at least 170,000 people in the three most affected departments alone, including 30,000 Central African and Congolese refugees. (OCHA, 10 Dec 2019)
A rapid humanitarian assessment led by the Government and the United Nations took place from 14 to 18 December 2019. More than one month after the start of the floods, water continues to be present in many districts, with some villages still completely flooded. The most urgent needs are water, health, sanitation, shelter, food and essential nonfood items. Further damage is expected as forecasts still indicate potential heavy rains in the coming weeks. (OCHA, 06 Jan 2020)
During the week of 7 January, heavy rains resulted in additional damage in the capital of the Republic of Congo, with major infrastructure collapsing and people using boats to travel the streets. (IFRC, 17 Jan 2020)
Since October 2019, heavy rains have affected about 170,000 people across the country, including 30,000 Central African and Congolese refugees. 6,302 hectares of agricultural fields have been destroyed. A gradual decrease in water levels in some areas of Likouala has been observed in January 2020. The rains continue to fall in the departments below the Equator, leading to fears of an increase in flooded areas (Cuvette, Plateaux) over time, leading to population displacements and a risk of the development of waterborne diseases. (OCHA, 23 Jan 2020)
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