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Paraguay: Floods - Mar 2019

Disaster description

On 12 February 2019, the Paraguay National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) reported strong winds on Sunday, 10 February affecting 120 families and 121 homes in the San Pedro Department in the towns of San Pedro, Santa Rosa del Aguaray, Choré, and Puerto Antequera. (PAHO, 13 Feb 2019)

On 21 March 2019, [SEN] reported an update regarding the recent heavy rain in several parts of the country; the following districts in Alto Paraguay Department are under a state of emergency: Fuerte Olimpo, Bahía Negra, Carmelo Peralta, Puerto Casado, and Puerto Guaran. Several communities such as Toro Pampa, María Auxiliadora, and San Carlos (Alto Paraguay) are isolated due to the accumulation of rain. Nationally, the number of families affected by floods has increased to 5,488 (increase of 714 in one day). Furthermore, media reported in Coronel Martinez District, Guairá Department, an overflow of the Tebicuarymí river affected between 250-300 families. (PAHO, 21 Mar 2019)

On 1 April 2019, [SEN] reported an increase in the level of water of the Paraguay river over the weekend where 1,000 families were affected in Asuncion city. In addition, affected people were evacuated from following cities: Concepción, Vallemí, Fuerte Olimpo, and Carmelo Peralta in the Paraguayan Chaco. To date, approximately, 1,081 families evacuated the Bañados areas of Tacumbu town...[T]he indigenous communities of Colonia 96 and Buena Vista are isolated due to heavy rain. (PAHO, 2 Apr 2019)

Heavy rainfall has hit Paraguay in recent weeks, generating flooding in several areas of the country. The most affected department is Distrito Capital, where several neighborhoods of Asuncion have been flooded by the overflowing Paraguay river. As of 4 April at 8.00 UTC, one person was reported dead (in Santa Ana neighborhood, Asuncion) and at least 2 000 people displaced across the area. The Municipality of Asuncion has declared a state of emergency over the next 90 days. (ECHO, 4 Apr 2019)

On 14 April 2019,[SEN] reported that recent heavy rain in Asuncion City caused the Paraguay river wall to collapse, affecting 300 families in Villa Cangrejo, Sajonia neighborhood. (PAHO, 15 Apr 2019)

On 15 April 2019, [SEN[ updated the report regarding recent heavy rain in the country. To date, 37,906 families were affected due to an overflow of the Paraguay river, of which 26,700 families were left isolated in the following departments: Concepción, San Pedro, Cordillera, Paraguarí, Guairá, Central, Presidente Hayes, Boquerón, and Alto Paraguay. In Asuncion city, the SEN provided assistance to 11,206 families who were affected. (PAHO, 19 Apr 2019)

Between 15 March and 8 May 2019, atypical flooding of the Paraguay river caused by heavy rainfall affected riparian communities in 19 districts belonging to 6 departments including the capital (Distrito Capital). The flooding cut off rural roads and isolated many small riparian communities - a total of 38,504 families (192,520 people) were affected, 11 deaths were reported, and 6 health care facilities were damaged. (PAHO, 8 May 2019)

The most affected department is Distrito Capital, where several neighborhoods in Asuncion were flooded and 12,267 families ( 61,335 people) were displaced. In the departments of Presidente Hayes and in Alto Paraguay, 100% of the districts are affected by roadblocks. (PAHO, 5 May 2019)

On 13 May 2019, the Paraguay Information Agency (IP) reported an update regarding the recent heavy rain in several parts of the country; at the national level 62,119 families were affected due to floods and humanitarian assistance was provided to people affected in Ñeembucú, Alto Paraguay (Chaco paraguayo), and Central Departments as well as Asuncion city. Currently, there are 22 shelters and 10 tons of medicine were distributed to health centers in Ñeembucú. (PAHO, 13 May 2019)

Flooding in Paraguay has affected tens of thousands of families, with at least 23 deaths as of 21 June. (OCHA, 1 Jul 2019)

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