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Paraguay: Floods - Nov 2018

Disaster description

On 29 October 2018, the Paraguay Agency Information (IP) published an updated report regarding the severe weather situation in the county; at least 2,100 families (an increase of 1,300 families since Friday, 26 October report) were affected due to heavy rain and an overflow of the Paraguay river in Asuncion city. Currently, 65 shelters are providing assistance to affected people. (PAHO, 29 Oct 2018)

In Asunción, 30,225 people (6,085 families) were evacuated to 109 temporary collective centres set up by the Municipality of Asunción and one collective centre managed by the National Emergency Secretariat in a military site in Bañado Tacumbú. On 1 November 2018, the Asunción municipal government declared a 90-day citywide emergency. Over the last few weeks, the number of affected people has increased, and the Paraguayan government has had to evacuate them and install improvised temporary lodgings to house them. The rains are expected to continue, putting those who have chosen to remain in their home at risk and threatening to increase the affected population’s humanitarian needs. To date, there has been 1,561.7 mm of rainfall in the affected area from 1 January 2018 to 23 November 2018, including a sharp increase from October to November 2018; the rainfall total for 2018 is 350.8 mm higher than the yearly average for the affected region. (IFRC, 30 Nov 2018)

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