Myanmar: Floods and Landslides - Jun 2018
Disaster description
A tropical storm made landfall on the coast of Rakhine State on 29-30 May, bringing strong winds and heavy rains to nine states and regions in Myanmar. Three people were killed and almost 200 houses were damaged in Rakhine State. In Yangon region, two people were injured and more than 750 houses and other buildings were damaged. Local organizations and the Government’s Department of Disaster Management (DDM) provided assistance including food, construction materials and cash to affected families in both areas. (OCHA, 4 Jun 2018)
Heavy monsoon rains in recent weeks have led to floods and landslides in 10 states and regions of Myanmar. As of 17 June, 8,000 houses have been damaged or inundated, 23,000 people have been temporarily evacuated, 12,000 acres of farmland have been damaged, and 11 people have died due to floods and landslides. Government authorities, the Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS), and local organizations are providing assistance to flood-affected people, including food and other relief items. (OCHA, 18 Jun 2018)
As of 19 June 2018, Ayeyawaddy, Magway, Bago, Sagaing regions and Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan states/regions have been affected by flooding. Mon State, Rakhine State and Magway Region are the most affected areas. In Mon State, heavy rains have caused floods in Paung, Mottama, Mawlamyine, Mudon, Kyeikmayaw, Yay and Thanphyuzayat. [DDM] reported that over 7,916 people have been temporarily evacuated in these six townships and are being housed in 11 temporary sites. Minor damages to infrastructure in the most affected areas have been reported including schools and Mottama hospital in Mon State. According to reports, the water level is residing and most families have returned to their homes. According to DDM, as of 19 June 2018, 40,234 people (10,539 households) have been affected and 23,500 people have been temporarily evacuated, 12,000 acres of farmland have been damaged, and 18 people have died due to floods and landslides in 54 townships of 10 states and regions. The government’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Nay Pyi Taw is closely monitoring the situation and coordinating with MRCS’ EOC and the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. UNOCHA is on standby for response in affected states/regions. (IFRC, 26 Jun 2018)
Heavy rain have been affecting Myanmar in the fourth week of June, triggering landslides and causing casualties. As of 25 June, national authorities have reported at least six people killed in the Phakant township (Mohnyin district, Kachin State) due to a landslide. (ECHO, 25 Jun 2018)
Heavy seasonal rains in recent days have resulted in floods in 27 townships in eight states and regions in Myanmar. Kayin State is the most affected area. According to UNHCR, some 16 800 people have been temporarily displaced. Overall, more than 24 000 people have been temporarily evacuated to 80 evacuation sites or are staying with host families. At least four people have reportedly died. Some people have started to return as flood waters recede. The Humanitarian needs seem presently covered. (ECHO, 27 Jul 2018)
Heavy monsoon rains have resulted in floods in seven states and regions. Bago Region, Kayin State and Mon State are the most affected areas. As of 30 July, at least eleven people have died and about 122,000 have been temporarily evacuated to safer locations. Displaced people are sheltering in 288 evacuation sites or are staying with relatives and host families. The Government is leading the response, in cooperation with state/regional authorities as well as the UN, NGOs and civil society. 122,000 people displaced (OCHA, 31 Jul 2018)
As of 3 August, nine provinces were affected due to heavy torrential rains as a result of Southwest Monsoon with widespread flooding and landslides reported. Four provinces in Myanmar are most affected, namely Kayin, Mon, Tanintharyi and Bago. Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) of Myanmar released a flood warning (2 August 2018), indicating that water level of Chindwin River at Malaik is observed about 0.762 meter below its dangerous level. It may reach its danger level during the next two days. (AHA Centre, 3 Aug 2018)
As of 6 August, there are a total of 388 camps sheltering 152,541 people in the regions affected by the floods. (AHA Centre, 9 Aug 2018) However, both the IFRC and the AHA Centre have noted that many people have started returning to their homes as camps close in regions with receding flood water. (IFRC, 09 Aug 2018)
As of August 12, relief actors had relocated approximately 24,400 individuals - nearly 58 percent of those at risk - from areas of Cox’s Bazar most vulnerable to flooding and landslides. Relief actors plan to relocate an additional 17,670 individuals in the coming weeks. While lack of suitable land for displacement sites continues to impede refugee relocations, humanitarian agencies are constructing additional shelters in Cox’s Bazar. (USAID, 24 Aug 2018)
On 29 August, a spillway of the Swar Chaung Dam broke and caused sudden flooding in Yedashe Township, Bago Region. More than 54,000 people from 18 village tracts have been affected and some 16,600 people were evacuated. As of 2 September, at least four people were reportedly killed and two people are missing. Paddy fields in affected areas were reportedly severely damaged. The Myanmar authorities, the Myanmar Red Cross Society, and local civil society organizations coordinated search and rescue efforts and provided assistance including food, cash, drinking water, temporary shelters, medical assistance, and other relief items to affected people. (OCHA, 3 Sep 2018)
The areas most affected by theflooding were Yedashe, Taungoo, Oktwin and Kyaut Gyi. More than 78,500 people were reportedly evacuated, although the total number of people affected is likely to be higher. Some 600 acres of farmland were destroyed, but more than 60,000 acres were flooded and damaged to some degree. This is likely to affect the livelihoods of local people, most of whom live in rural areas and rely on agriculture as their main source of livelihood. Heavy rains are forecast for the next week, which are likely to hamper response. (ACAPS 10 Sep 2018)
Monsoon seasonal floods triggered by heavy rains in 2018 affected several states and regions in Myanmar. Since 9 July 2018, over 268,000 people have been displaced by flooding and at least 16 people have died. The vast majority of those displaced have been able to return home. (OCHA, 27 Sep 2018)
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