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Guatemala: Floods and Landslides - Jun 2017

Disaster description

The rainy season of 2017 has begun in many regions of the country and to date -CONRED-, has responded to 142 incidents that have directly and indirectly affected 144,415 people nationwide.

In 20 departments of the country, actions have been taken to care for those affected - only Santa Rosa and Chimaltenango have reported no major incidents. The departments where incidents have been recorded for the rainy season are Guatemala with 18 incidents; Quiché with 17 incidents; as well as 10 incidents in San Marcos, 10 in Huehuetenango and another 10 in the department of Jutiapa. The incidents which have occurred were floods, landslides and landslides.

The rainy season will not end until November, and so far 144,415 people have been affected. There have been 1,470 evacuees, 938 victims, 667 people have been sheltered, and 16 people have reportedly died in the current rainy season 2017. (Gov't of Guatemala, 03 Jul 2017)

Between 2-3 September, floods were reported in the departments of Alta Verapaz, Petén and Suchitepéquez, with 2,466 people affected and damage in 438 homes, according to damage assessments and needs analysis carried out by institutions of the National Coordinating System for Disaster Reduction (Gov't of Guatemala, 05 Sep 2017)

According to the Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology National Institute (INSIVUMEH), heavy rainfall on 18 September of 2017, caused floodings throughout Guatemala, particularly in the north-western region of the country. Floods were registered in the municipalities of San Felipe, Santa Cruz Muluá, San Martín Zapotitlán, Mazatenango’s urban centre, Colotenango’s urban centre, Calle de la Cruz, Callejón 10, Campo Borrayo, and the cantons of Icán, La otra banda and Tulula, among other areas. When the Guatemalan Red Cross Damage Analysis and Needs Assessment (DANA) teams were deployed to the departments of Retalhuleu and Suchitepéquez, the departmental delegate from CONRED reported that the flooding affected 629 people, forced 164 people to evacuate from their homes and 97 people to seek shelter in collective centres, damaged 68 roads and impacted 1 bridge in the departments of Retalhuleu and Suchitepéquez.

In the departments of Suchitepéquez and Retalhuleu, floods have damaged homes, crops and household goods. Around 2,016 families are affected according to local authorities.

The flood-stricken families preferred to find their own shelter since the collective centres assigned by local authorities do not have electricity, running water, toilets, showers or kitchens, and are far away from people’s homes; the loss of bedding, clothing, blankets and the necessary tools for their livelihoods, among other items has also prompted affected people to seek their own shelter to safeguard the few belongings they still have left.

Local authorities have declared an orange level for the departments of Retalhuleu and Suchitepéquez to be able to provide emergency assistance to the affected areas, and on September 27 2017, CONRED declared Red Alert in Retalhuleu and Suchitepéquez, to provide assistance to the local emergencies. (IFRC, 2 Oct 2017)

Continuous rains have fallen in the department of Alta Verapaz for the entire month of October 2017, affecting 62 rural and urban communities in 8 municipalities due to increased water levels and the overflow of the Cahabón, Chixoy, Icbolay and Polochic Rivers.
The heavy rains that continue to pound the area are compounded by the presence of an easterly wave, the arrival of Tropical Storm Selma, increased humidity saturation levels and swollen rivers that threaten to impact further already flooded areas. As of 31 October 2017, 13 collective centres have been opened to house more than 999 people, whose homes were directly affected.
Alta Verapaz is one of the largest maize producers in Guatemala, accounting for 10 per cent of the total production in the country; however, crops are being lost to the flooding, which puts small and medium-sized farmers’ food security at risk for the next few months, according to information provided by the Guatemalan Red Cross (GRC) branch in Cobán. Per official reports, 450 hectares owned by 1,097 families have been affected in the municipality of Chisec, Raxruhá and Panzós. (IFRC, 10 Nov 2017)
On 7 December, following the floods caused by Guatemala’s exceptionally strong rain season, the European Commission is providing €90 000 in humanitarian aid to assist 3500 people in the central Alta Verapaz department. (ECHO, 7 Dec 2017)


A partir del mes de abril en algunas regiones del país se estableció la temporada de lluvias 2017 y hasta el momento el Sistema de la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres –CONRED-, ha dado respuesta a 142 incidentes que han afectado directa e indirectamente a 144 mil 415 personas a nivel nacional.

En 20 departamentos del país se han activado procedimientos en atención de las personas afectadas –solo Santa Rosa y Chimaltenango no han reportado incidentes mayores-. Los departamentos en donde se han registrado incidentes por la temporada de lluvias son Guatemala con 18 incidentes; Quiché con 17 incidentes; así como 10 incidentes en San Marcos, 10 en Huehuetenango y otros 10 en el departamento de Jutiapa. Los incidentes ocurridos son inundaciones, deslizamientos y derrumbes.

La temporada de lluvias finalizará en el mes de noviembre pero al momento se reportan las 144 mil 415 personas afectadas, mil 470 evacuados, 938 damnificados, 667 personas se han albergado y se reportan 16 personas fallecidas en la actual temporada de lluvias 2017. (Gov't of Guatemala, 03 Jul 2017)

Durante el fin de semana (2-3 de septiembre), se registraron inundaciones en los departamentos de Alta Verapaz, Petén y Suchitepéquez, reportándose 2 mil 246 personas afectadas y daños en 438 viviendas, según evaluaciones de daños y análisis de necesidades que realizaron instituciones del Sistema de la Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (Gov't of Guatemala, 05 Sep 2017)

De acuerdo con los últimos datos proporcionados por la Conred, las lluvias van dejando en todo el país 27 muertos, 4 desaparecidos y 26 heridos.
370.468 guatemaltecos resultaron afectados y de ellos 7.594 fueron damnificados por pérdidas materiales o humanas. Como consecuencia de las diferentes emergencias, 22.537 personas debieron ser evacuadas, de las cuales 5.844 obtuvieron refugio en los diferentes albergues habilitados en las áreas más impactadas del país.
En infraestructura, las lluvias causaron daños en 130 carreteras, 3 de las cuales resultaron destruidas. También hay 27 puentes afectados y 17 de ellos destruidos. A esto se suma 609 escuelas afectadas y 4.266 viviendas con daños, de las cuales 198 presentan daño severo (inhabitables). (Gov't of Guatemala, 14 Oct 2017) El 11 de diciembre, la Unión Europea (UE) destinó 90.00 euros (unos 106.443 dólares) para atender las necesidades más urgentes de las familias guatemaltecas que resultaron afectadas por las torrenciales lluvias de los últimos meses. (Gov't of Guatemala, 11 Dec 2017)

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