Sudan: Floods - Jun 2017
Disaster description
On 20 June, torrential rains and flash flooding affected an estimated 9,000 people (1,780 families) in Kalma camp for [IDPs] in South Darfur State. Hundreds of IDP shelters were damaged or completely destroyed, assets lost, and latrines collapsed. No injuries or deaths were reported, according to a rapid inter-agency assessment team that visited the camp on 22 June...In response to the flooding, the governmental Zakat Chamber donated 1,000 plastic sheets, 200 sacks of sorghum and 150,000 SDG in cash assistance (about US$23,000), which were distributed to the IDPs in need...Food distributions to all affected IDPs are ongoing. The international NGOs OXFAM, CARE International Switzerland (CIS) and American Refugee Committee (ARC) are distributing building materials for latrines to both the affected IDPs and those who were relocated to higher ground within the camp. (OCHA, 2 Jul 2017)
Heavy rains and subsequent flash floods have either destroyed or damaged 2,121 homes (affecting about 10,600 people) in North and South Darfur...In Shangil Tobaya town, 162 homes were destroyed (affecting about 800 people) and 89 were damaged (affecting about 450 people). In addition, 144 latrines completely collapsed in the town. In Um Dressy, 30 homes were destroyed (affecting about 150 people) and one health clinic and one borehole damaged ...The Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in South Darfur’s Mershang locality reported that on 5 July, heavy rains and flash floods destroyed over 170 IDP homes (affecting about 850 people) and damaging another 242 homes (affecting about 1,200 people). In addition, 62 gardens and farms in Mershang town were destroyed...Also in South Darfur, 1,400 IDP families (about 7,200 people) were affected by heavy rains and flash floods in Kalma and Otash IDP camps (Bielel locality) on 20 June, according to IOM verification. This includes 950 homes that were destroyed (affecting about 4,700 people) and 500 that were damaged (affecting about 2,400 people). In response to these needs—as well as for AWD response - UNICEF has provided 200 latrine slabs, as well as chlorine for water treatment in both camps through the Government’s Water and Environmental Sanitation Department (WES). (OCHA, 16 Jul 2017)
Heavy rain and flooding since early June have affected over 99,000 people and destroyed over 19,000 houses in many parts of Sudan, according to the Government of Sudan and partners. The most affected states are White Nile, South Darfur, North Kordofan, Al Gezira, Sennar, West Darfur and Kassala. (Gov't of Sudan, OCHA, 19 Sep 2017)