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Peru: Floods and Landslides - Feb 2017

Disaster description

A state of emergency was declared for Loreto's provincial municipality of Alto Amazonas on 15 January due to heavy rains and landslides. On 16 January, the Civil Defense Region Office for Arequipa reported the rain had affected 2,645 people and had damaged 1,122 houses. The Regional Platform of the Civil Defense declared a permanent alert. (PAHO, 17 Jan 2017).

As of 6 February, heavy rains, landslides (huaycos) and rivers overflowing have affected more than 70,000 people across Peru. 22 people have died so far, 1 105 houses have been destroyed, 54 schools and 47 health centers have been damaged, and 215 km of roads have been severely affected. The state of emergency has been declared in nine departments. The Department of Lambayeque is the worst affected. Another 47 localities are declared in emergency due to imminent risk. (ECHO, 7 Feb 2017)
As of 17 February, a state of emergency was declared for the provinces of Huarochiri, Cañete, Barranca, Yauyos, Huaral, Huaura, Oy, and Canta due to heavy rains. (PAHO, 17 Feb 2017).

As of 20 March, some 72,115 people have been affected by the latest floods (639,000 since December 2016). A state of emergency has been declared in 12 regions, while a public health emergency has been declared in 7 regions due to the increasing health risk. (OCHA, 20 Mar 2017)

As of 10 May, more than 1.6 million people remain affected and affected in the country as a result of rains and floods. Of these, more than 440,000 are children and adolescents (NNA). Some 31,600 houses at national level have collapsed and 28,000 are reported as uninhabitable, resulting in more than 19,212 people that continue living in temporary shelters. Furthermore, the registered dengue cases have are more than 44,000.Piura, with 26,958 cases is the most affected department, accounting for 60% of the total. (OCHA/UN Country Team in Peru, 26 May 2017)

As of 6 June, UNICEF, through implementing partners, has provided humanitarian assistance in WASH, protection, nutrition, health and education to more than 61,000 children and families in the most affected district of Piura (UNICEF, 6 Jun 2017)

On 27 June, the UN Country Team in Peru reported that, as of that date, 1,718,331 people were affected and 291,578 severely affected at national level. The departments with the largest number of people affected and severely affected are La Libertad (26.4% of the total), Piura (24.9%), Lambayeque (11%) and Áncash (8%), with approximately 31,339 houses reported collapsed and 25,684 houses are uninhabitable.(OCHA/UN Country Team in Peru, 27 June 2017)

In late July, the EU disbursed €1 million in emergency humanitarian aid, deployed civil protection experts and facilitated European donations in kind, including life-saving water pumps from Spain and France to assist those most affected in the northern provinces of Piura, Lambayeque, Tumbes y La Libertad. (ECHO, 19 Jul 2017). In the same period, UNICEF has provided humanitarian assistance in WASH, Protection, Nutrition, Health and Education to 123,560 children and families in the most affected district of Piura (UNICEF, 25 Jul 2017)

As of early August, the humanitarian response in Piura reached more than 260,000 people in 35 districts with an amount of 432 finalized activities. (OCHA, 18 Aug 2017)

As of 29 August , UNICEF has provided humanitarian assistance in WASH, protection, nutrition, health and education to 179,789 children and their families in the most affected districts of Piura. (UNICEF, 29 Aug 2017)

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