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Pakistan: Floods - Sep 2014

Disaster description

In the first week of September 2014, heavy monsoon rains and floods in the catchment areas of India's eastern rivers of Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, and Jhelum, resulted in flash floods in Punjab, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K). The floods killed 367 people and affected more than 2.5 million people, and 129,880 houses were damaged or destroyed. Over 1 million acres of cropland and 250,000 farmers were affected, in most cases resulting in the loss of standing food, fodder or cash crops. Non-farm sources of livelihoods and services affected include many small enterprises, manufacturing and processing businesses and loss of wage employment due to disruption of the economy. (Govt, 11 Nov 2014)

As as the flood waters subsided, the majority of the population displaced by the floods returned to their place of origin and started recovery activities. In addition, three months on, the major immediate public health concerns related to acute respiratory illnesses, diarrhoea and skin diseases which necessitated provision of emergency health services have since dissipated. The IFRC revised its appeal down to CHF 1,097,926 to support 70,000 people for seven months, focusing on food and relief item distributions, health and hygiene promotion, emergency shelter assistance. (IFRC, 29 Jan 2015)

Of the total expenditure, CHF 722,786 was spent on relief items, construction and supplies, while CHF 129,214 covered costs that enabled the delivery of assistance to beneficiaries, such as logistics, distribution and monitoring. Finally, CHF 38,663 was utilized for personnel costs (including per diem for volunteers and salaries for PRCS and IFRC staff in Islamabad supporting the operation). (IFRC Final report, 23 Jul 2015)

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