Afghanistan: Flash Floods - Jul 2012
Disaster description
On 8 Jul 2012, heavy rainfall hit Mihtarlam, Alishing, Qarghayi and Daulatshahi districts of Laghman province, causing severe damage to houses and crops. In Shergar village of Mihtarlam city 12 houses were destroyed and a large area of agricultural land was washed away. (OCHA, 15 Jul 2012) On the same day, a surprise downpour in Kabul led to severe flash flooding that devastated a densely populated area of the city’s west (IFRC, 13 Jul 2012).
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Humanitarian Snapshot: Pakistan - Complex Emergency and 2012 Floods (1 - 28 February 2013)

Afghanistan: IOM – Natural Disasters-induced IDPs in 2012 (as of 10 February 2013)

Afghanistan: IOM - Natural Disaster IDP assisted for the period January to August 2012: locations affected in Badakhshan Province (as of 20 Sep 2012)