Iran: Earthquake - Dec 2003 Status Past Disaster Glide EQ-2003-000630-IRN Table of Contents Overview Affected Countries Latest Latest UpdatesMaps and InfographicsMost Read Other Related Disasters Affected Countries Afghanistan Iran (Islamic Republic of) Latest Updates World + 8 more The Human Cost of Disasters (2000-2019): Deadliest Disasters and Mega-Disasters - DG ECHO A.3. Situational Awareness Sector | 08/12/2020 World + 7 more Earthquakes to Floods: A Scoping Review of Health-related Disaster Research in Low- and Middle-income Countries World + 20 more Middle East and North Africa: Humanitarian Atlas (2018) [EN/AR] Maps and Infographics World + 8 more The Human Cost of Disasters (2000-2019): Deadliest Disasters and Mega-Disasters - DG ECHO A.3. Situational Awareness Sector | 08/12/2020 World + 20 more Middle East and North Africa: Humanitarian Atlas (2018) [EN/AR] Iran Iran: estimated damage caused by the Bam earthquake Most Read Iran Iran: UNDAC mission report following the Bam Earthquake of 26 Dec 2003 Iran Iran: Bam earthquake - Five years later Iran Chronology: Major earthquakes in Iran Iran M6.6 Bam, Iran Earthquake of 26 December 2003 Iran Iran: Flash Appeal Bam Earthquake - Relief, recovery and immediate rehabilitation Other disasters affecting the countries Afghanistan: Floods - Mar 2024 Afghanistan: Drought - 2021-2025
World + 8 more The Human Cost of Disasters (2000-2019): Deadliest Disasters and Mega-Disasters - DG ECHO A.3. Situational Awareness Sector | 08/12/2020
World + 7 more Earthquakes to Floods: A Scoping Review of Health-related Disaster Research in Low- and Middle-income Countries
World + 8 more The Human Cost of Disasters (2000-2019): Deadliest Disasters and Mega-Disasters - DG ECHO A.3. Situational Awareness Sector | 08/12/2020