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South Sudan: Cholera Outbreak - May 2022

Disaster description

The current cholera outbreak in Bentiu, is in an area with a population of 300,000 people living in formal and informal camps. Despite 2 rounds of oral cholera vaccine, transmission is continuing due to population movement and poor conditions. The outbreak has the potential for escalation to at-risk counties (Mayom, Leer, Guit, Mayendit, Pariang, Panyijiar, Juba) due to population movements, floods, and access to safe water and sanitation. There is continued high numbers of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) since the start of 2022, with an average of 890 cases per week in Bentiu IDP and town, amounting to a total 3,704 AWD cases across 5 health facilities in the IDP camp. (UNICEF, 30 April 2022)

A Cholera outbreak has been declared in Rubkona county, Unity State. The declaration follows the confirmation of cholera in eight cases following tests by the National Public Health Laboratory in Juba. To date, a total of 31 cases including one death have been reported from Rubkona town and Bentiu IDP camp. (Govt. South Sudan, 7 May 2022)

Cumulatively, 212 cholera cases have been reported, of which 36 were cholera RDT positive with 15 testing culture positive at the National Reference Laboratory in Juba. One of the RDT positive cases died giving 0.47% case fatality rate (CFR). First round of oral cholera vaccination campaign in Juba ended on 19 June 2022. (WHO, 22 Jun 2022)

From 19 March to 14 August 2022, 316 cases and 1 death (CFR 0.33%) have been reported from Unity State and Ruweng Administrative Area, however most cases have been reported from the Bentiu IDP camp (279 cases, 89% of cumulative total). A total of 56 cases have been confirmed positive by RDT for cholera and 29 tested positive for Vibrio cholerae by culture at the National Public Health Laboratory in Juba. Females account for 61% of all cases and children ages 0-4 years have been the most affected age group accounting for 35.7% of all cases. Rubkona county experienced unprecedented floods in 2021 with flood waters persisting up to the end of the current dry season and the flood surface water is often used for bathing and playing. More than 1 million doses of cholera vaccine doses have been administered in 2022 and more vaccination campaigns are being planned.(WHO, 25 Sep 2022)

More than 1.2 million doses of cholera vaccine doses have been administered in 2022 and more vaccination campaigns are being planned. Among cholera cases, 118 (35.0%) were reported to be vaccinated, 147 (43.6%) were reported to be unvaccinated, and 72 (21.4%) had unknown vaccination status. (WHO, 26 Oct 2022)

From 19 March to 20 November 2022, 424 cases and 1 death (CFR 0.2%) have been reported from Unity State and Ruweng Administrative Area, however most cases have been reported from the Bentiu IDP camp (89% of cumulative total). A total of 56 cases have been confirmed positive by RDT for cholera and 29 tested positive for Vibrio cholerae by culture at the National Public Health Laboratory in Juba. Females account for 62% of all cases and children ages 0-4 years have been the most affected age group accounting for 32.3% of all cases. More than 1.58 million doses of cholera vaccine doses have been administered in 2022 and more vaccination campaigns are being planned. (WHO, 13 Jan 2023)

From 19 March to 20 November 2022, 424 cases and 1 death (CFR 0.2%) have been reported from Unity State and Ruweng Administrative Area, however, most cases have been reported from the Bentiu IDP camp (89% of cumulative total). A total of 56 cases have been confirmed positive by RDT for cholera and 29 tested positive for Vibrio cholerae by culture at the National Public Health Laboratory in Juba. Females account for 62% of all cases and children ages 0-4 years have been the most affected age group accounting for 32.3% of all cases. More than 1.58 million doses of cholera vaccine doses have been administered in 2022 and more vaccination campaigns are being planned. (Govt. South Sudan, WHO, 7 Mar 2023)

On 7 March 2023, the Ministry of health of South Sudan declared cholera outbreak in Malakal, Upper Nile State. From 22 February to 16 April 2023, a total of 980 cases including two deaths (CFR 0.4%) have been reported. Cases were reported from Malakal town and the IDP camp. (WHO, 27 Apr 2023)

The outbreak in South Sudan can no longer be considered an active cholera outbreak. This is because the last PCR positive case was reported on 7 March and since then repeat cultures in both Juba and additionally sent to South Africa have not shown any Vibrio cholerae growth, but rather E.coli, Salmonella and Enterobacter spp. WHO is supporting the country to strengthen its testing capacities and to redirect the response to improving WASH and management of the acute watery diarrhoea cases due to the identified pathogens. South Sudan had reported a cumulative number of 1 027 suspected case and two related deaths (CFR=0.2%) from Malakal Upper Nile State on the side bordering Sudan as of 16 April 2023. (WHO, 29 May 2023)

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