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Central African Republic: Polio Outbreak - May 2019

Disaster description

Two separate VDPV2 cases not genetically linked from AFP were confirmed on 29th May and 31 May 2019. On 30th May 2019, the MoH declared a public health emergency of national concern as per global guidelines. The first case reported was from Bambari district, RS4 region with date of onset of paralysis on 2nd May 2019. The case of a 3 year old female habiting in a semi nomadic breeder family was picked from an IDP camp with zero doses from routine and SIAs. A total of 21 samples (12 contacts, 8 Community and 1 blood) were collected with 6/17 samples tested were PV2s while 4 samples are pending lab results. A second VDPV2 case was picked in a village from Bimbo was detected. Seventeen contacts were collected and are pending lab results. (WHO, 9 Jun 2019)

Four cVDPV2 cases have now been officially reported from two distinct outbreaks. Additionally, the country had also already reported genetically-distinct VDPV2s, and had therefore considered these emergencies as an outbreak, even prior to the official classification on the week of 17 July as ‘circulating’. In response, the Government had declared these events to be a national public health emergency and begun implementation of outbreak response. (GPEI, 17 July 2019)

One cVDPV2-positive environmental sample from Bambari district, RS4 State was reported. No human case of cVDPV2 has been reported this week. Two distinct cVDPV2 outbreaks (4 cases), one originationin Bimbo province and one in Bambari province, have been reported in 2019. Additionally, the country had already reported genetically distinct VDPV2s in the provinces affected by the current outbreaks. (WHO, 25 Aug 2019)

No case of cVDPV2 was reported this week. There are six reported cases from five different outbreaks of cVDPV2 in 2019. (WHO, 22 Sep 2019)

In week 38 (week ending on 22 September 2019), 36 new suspected measles cases were reported from Kaga Bandoro sub-prefecture (28 cases) and Bafango health district (8 cases). This is an increase in the reported number of cases since week 37 (week ending 15 September 2019). Since the January 2019, a total of 1 424 measles cases and 1 death have been reported in four districts: Batafango, Kaga Bandoro, Nana-Gribizi and Paoua. (WHO, 29 Sep 2019)

Three cases of cVDPV2 were reported this week from RS6 (1), RS4 (1) and RS1 (1) provinces. The onsets of paralysis were between 20 August and 1 October 2019. There are 13 reported cases in 2019 from five different outbreaks of cVDPV2 in 2019. One cVDPV2 positive environmental sample was reported in Bangui 2, RS7 province. The sample was collected on 25 September 2019. (WHO, 03 Nov 2019)

No case of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) was reported this week. There are 14 reported cases in 2019 from six different outbreaks of cVDPV2 in 2019. (WHO, 17 Nov 2019)

No new cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) have been reported since the beginning of 2020. There were 19 cVDPV2 cases reported in 2019 from six different outbreaks. WHO, 8 Mar 2020

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