South Sudan: Measles Outbreak - Dec 2018
Disaster description
A Measles outbreak was confirmed in Abyei following laboratory confirmation of five cases in December 2018 with a total of 45 cases suspected. (WHO, 6 Jan 2019) 21 cases, including 2 deaths were reported in Juba from the two payams of Kator and Amarat. (WHO, 20 Jan 2019).
A reactive Measles vaccination campaign will be conducted targeting children aged 6-59 months in all payams and IDP sites in Juba starting on 11th February, 2019. (WHO, 27 Jan 2019)
As of 10th February 2019 Measles outbreaks had been confirmed in seven counties namely; Rumbek East, Abyei, Juba, Pibor, Gogriel West, Bor South, and Mayom.(WHO, 3 Mar 2019)
A campaign to immunize nearly 40,000 children against measles was launched today, 6 March 2019. The campaign is being carried out by the Ministry of Health with support from [(WHO], [UNICEF] and [IOM]. It comes after a measles outbreak was recently confirmed in Mayom, former Unity State. At least 17 measles cases with no deaths have been reported in Mayom County, with nearly 90 per cent of those affected aged less than 5 years and originating from Pup and Mankien Payams. (WHO, 6 Mar 2019)
Since the outbreak was declared in the country in January, campaigns have been conducted in Juba, Central Equatoria; Pibor in Jonglei; Aweil South in Northern Bahr el Ghazal; Mayom in Unity; Melut in Upper Nile; and Gogrial West and Gogrial East in Warrap. More are planned for Aweil West and Aweil Center in Northern Bahr el Ghazal; and Tonj North in Warrap. Nearly 311,000 children aged between 6 months and 15 years have been vaccinated in the areas which have been reached. A countrywide follow-up mass measles campaign targeting children aged 9-59 months is planned for November 2019, for all children who have remained unvaccinated since a 2017 campaign. (OCHA, 20 May 2019)
Between week 1 to week 48 of 2019, a total of 3 963 suspected cases of measles which 169 laboratory-confirmed and 23 deaths (CFR 0.6%) have been reported. The outbreak has affected 16 counties and 4 Protection of Civilians Sites POCs (Juba, Bentiu, Malakal and Wau). Measles cases continue to rise in 2019 with an average of 75 cases reported per week compared to 12 cases reported at the same period in 2018. (WHO, 5 Jan 2020)
Between week 1 in 2019 to week 4 in 2020, a total of 4 731 suspected cases of measles which 247 laboratory-confirmed and 26 deaths (CFR 0.5%) have been reported. The outbreak has affected 23 counties ( Pibor; Abyei; Mayom; Gogrial West; Aweil South; Melut; Gogrial East; Juba; Tonj North; Aweil West; Aweil East; Renk; Wau; Tonj North; Jur River; Yambio, Budi, Ikotos, Maban and Aweil East, Ikotos, Tonj East, Magwi and Bomaand) and 4 Protection of Civilians Sites POCs (Juba, Bentiu, Malakal and Wau). WHO, 8 Mar 2020
Two months into a measles outbreak in Pibor town in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, the spread of the highly contagious and life-threatening illness is a growing crisis. On 18 August 2020, MSF treated the first patient for suspected measles in Pibor town, eastern South Sudan. By the end of October, teams had treated over 250 children. MSF, 3 Nov 2020
There has not been any confirmed measles outbreak in South Sudan during the reporting year. UNICEF, 29 July 2021
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