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Peru: Dengue Outbreak - Mar 2017

Disaster description

On 23 May 2016, The Government of Peru declared that from epidemiological week No. 02, dengue outbreaks were recorded and the most important factors affecting dengue transmission were high environmental temperatures, presence of rainfall and disorderly growth of the urban population in the region. Inadequate provision of basic services (especially water supply and disposal of solid waste); migration and population displacement from and to areas with dengue, increase the risk of transmission affecting the life and health of people in 18 departments of Peru. (Gov't Peru, 23 May 2016)

In late March 2017, The Ministry of Health personnel announced it would fumigate and thus prevent the spread of mosquito Aedes Aegypti that causes dengue. Throughout the emergency more than two thousand brigades have made 15 thousand medical consultations and of the 3,723 establishments in the zone 87% are operating and equipped. The Ministry of Health declared health emergencies in the departments of Tumbes, Piura and Lambayeque. Digesa / Minsa will fumigate 38,810 houses affected by the flooding and control the dengue outbreak in the Piura Region, with a population to protect of approximately 194,050 inhabitants. (PAHO, 21 Mar 2017)

In 8 of the 11 regions declared in emergency, 19,318 cases of dengue have been reported, including 3 probable cases of Lima Region. Piura and Ica are the regions that report the highest number of cases, and 262 cases are added in Metropolitan Lima, an area that does not correspond to the declaration of emergency. Twenty-six deaths from dengue have been decreed, of which 16 (62%) correspond to the region of Piura. (OCHA, 10 May 2017)

Dengue cases continue to increase and have already exceeded 44,000 cases. Piura, with 26,958 cases is the most affected department, accounting for 60 per cent of the total...After monitoring the actions and coordination with other humanitarian actors, the Peruvian Red Cross and IFRC identified the need to focus on dengue prevention. (IFRC, 11 Jul 2017)

On 25 July, UNICEF stated that The Ministry of Health (MINSA) has reported 67,294 cases of Dengue and 56 confirmed deaths attributable to the disease nationwide as of 1 July. Piura has the highest number of Dengue cases, with 33,134 probable and 9,919 confirmed cases. This is followed by La Libertad with 2,981 probable and 3,561 confirmed cases; Ica with 2,623 probable and 1,560 confirmed cases; and Tumbes with 3,413 probable and 424 confirmed cases. (UNICEF, 25 Jul 2017)

On 17 August, Peru's Executive Branch of the Government declared a 90-day sanitary emergency in the regions of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Áncash and Ica, in order to guarantee public health service to prevent and strengthen the fight against dengue. (Gov't of Peru, 17 Aug 2017)

As of 29 August, UNICEF states that even though the Ministry of Health (MINSA) is conducting many activities to prevent dengue and Zika transmission, the number of cases of dengue is much greater than reported in previous years for the same time period. MINSA has reported 71,517 cases of dengue and 65 confirmed deaths attributable to the disease nationwide as of 19 August. Piura has the highest number of dengue cases with 35,578 probable and 11,373 confirmed. Piura is followed by La Libertad with 2,496 probable and 4,323 confirmed cases; Tumbes with 3,764 probable and 588 confirmed cases; and Ica with 2,705 probable and 1,643 confirmed cases.(UNICEF, 29 Aug 2017)

Even though the Ministry of Health (MINSA) is engaging in many activities to prevent the spread of dengue and Zika, the transmission of dengue has been much higher than reported in previous years over a similar time period. As of September 2, according to MINSA’s 35th Report, there have been 71,775 cases of dengue and 80 confirmed deaths attributed to the illness throughout Peru. Piura has the highest number of cases of dengue with 47,257 confirmed cases, followed by La Libertad with 6,817 confirmed cases, Tumbes with 4,444 confirmed cases and Ica with 4,358 confirmed cases. (UNICEF, 20 Oct 2017)

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