South Sudan: Kala-azar Outbreak - Sep 2014
Disaster description
Starting in mid-2014, Kala-azar (Visceral Leishmaniasis) cases started to increase considerably in South Sudan. Kala-azar is endemic in Upper Nile, Unity, Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria states, and the peak season usually starts during or shortly after the rainy season. In 2014, the peak season started in April, due to displacement, insecurity, low immunity and limited access to treatment. By the beginning of September, over 4,000 cases and 102 deaths had been recorded. (WHO, 16 Sep 2014)
By 12 Dec, the number of cases and deaths had increased to 7,204 and 199 respectively. In comparison, 2,992 cases and 88 deaths had been reported over the same period in 2013. A reduction in reported cases noted over the last 10 weeks was most likely caused by lack of access to treatment centers due to floods or insecurity. (WHO, 22 Dec 2014)
By March 2015, a total of 1,194 Kala-azar cases and 33 deaths had been reported from 16 treatment centers since the beginning of the year. In comparison 1,146 cases and 25 deaths were reported during the same period in 2014. Underreporting from the treatment centers complicates meaningful interpretation of trends, as many health facilities remain inaccessible due to insecurity. (WHO, 22 Mar 2015)
Viral leishmaniasis (or kala-azar) continues to be a concern. From January through July, a total of 2,308 cases and 72 deaths (with a case fatality rate of 3.1 per cent) were reported from 15 treatment centres. Partners continue to support enhanced surveillance, case management and interventions to prevent transmission.(Report of the Secretary-General on South Sudan (S/2015/655))